استفاده از MongoDB .NET Driver با NET Core Web API.

Source could be also accessed from GitHub -> https://github.com/fpetru/WebApiMongoDB.

Problem / solution format brings an easier understanding on how to build things, giving an immediate feedback. Starting from this idea, the blog post will present step by step how to build

a web application to store your ideas in an easy way, adding text notes, either from desktop or mobile, with few characteristics: run fast, save on the fly whatever you write, and be reasonably reliable and secure.

This blog post will implement just the backend, WebApi and the database access, in the most simple way. Next blog post will cover the front end, using Angular. Then, there will be an additional article on how to increase the performance and the security. 

استفاده از MongoDB .NET Driver با NET Core Web API.
Autofac 5.0 منتشر شد

This is the first major-version release we’ve had in about three years (Autofac 4.0 was released in August 2016). There are some breaking changes and new features you should know about as you decide your upgrade strategy. Hopefully this will help you navigate those waters. 

Autofac 5.0 منتشر شد
نظرات مطالب
امکان تعریف ساده‌تر خواص Immutable در C# 9.0 با معرفی ویژگی خواص Init-Only
یک نکته‌ی تکمیلی: امکان استفاده‌ی از records و init-only properties در نگارش‌های پیشین دات نت

فقط اگر از NET 5x. به عنوان Target Framework استفاده کنید، زبان تنظیم شده‌ی پیش‌فرض آن سی‌شارپ 9 است. اما اگر برای مثال بخواهید این زبان را در پروژه‌های مبتنی بر net standard 2.1 که زبان پیش‌فرض آن‌ها ‍C# 8.0 است نیز فعال کنید، اینکار با بازنویسی صریح شماره نگارش زبان آن در فایل csproj ممکن است:
اما پس از آن به یک مشکل برخواهید خورد: برای کار با records و init-only properties، نوع جدید IsExternalInit باید به کامپایلر معرفی شود که این نوع، جزئی از NET 5x SDK. هست. بنابراین برای سایر SDKها، نیاز است قطعه کد زیر را به صورت دستی به پروژه‌ی خود اضافه کنید:
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.

using System.ComponentModel;

namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
   /// <summary>
   /// Reserved to be used by the compiler for tracking metadata.
   /// This class should not be used by developers in source code.
   /// </summary>
   internal static class IsExternalInit
روش‌های مقابله با مشکل امنیتی Mass Assignment در ASP.NET Core
  • Use BindAttribute on the action method 
  • Use [Editable] or [BindNever] on the model 
  • Use two different models 
  • Use a base class 
  • Use ModelMetadataTypeAttribute 
  • Explicit binding via TryUpdateModelAsync<> 

This was a very quick run down of some of the options available to you to prevent mass assignment. Which approach you take is up to you, though I would definitely suggest using one of the latter 2-model approaches. There are other options too, such as doing explicit binding via TryUpdateModelAsync<> but the options I've shown represent some of the most common approaches. Whatever you do, don't just blindly bind your view models if you have properties that should not be edited by a user, or you could be in for a nasty surprise.

And whatever you do, don't bind directly to your EntityFramework models. Pretty please. 

روش‌های مقابله با مشکل امنیتی Mass Assignment در ASP.NET Core