طراحی و پیاده سازی Domain Events در DDD
In short, domain events help you to express, explicitly, the domain rules, based in the ubiquitous language provided by the domain experts. Domain events also enable a better separation of concerns among classes within the same domain. It's important to ensure that, just like a database transaction, either all the operations related to a domain event finish successfully or none of them do. Domain events are similar to messaging-style events, with one important difference. With real messaging, message queuing, message brokers, or a service bus using AMQP, a message is always sent asynchronously and communicated across processes and machines. This is useful for integrating multiple Bounded Contexts, microservices, or even different applications. However, with domain events, you want to raise an event from the domain operation you are currently running, but you want any side effects to occur within the same domain. The domain events and their side effects (the actions triggered afterwards that are managed by event handlers) should occur almost immediately, usually in-process, and within the same domain. Thus, domain events could be synchronous or asynchronous. Integration events, however, should always be asynchronous.
طراحی و پیاده سازی Domain Events در  DDD
بهبودهای WPF در NET 4.6.1.

With the 4.6.1 RC we have added support for WPF to recognize custom dictionaries registered globally. This capability is available in addition to the ability to register them per-control. Also, custom dictionaries in the previous versions of WPF had no affordance for Excluded Words and AutoCorrect lists. On Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, these scenarios are now enabled through the use of files that can be placed under %AppData%\Microsoft\Spelling\<language tag>.

بهبودهای WPF در NET 4.6.1.
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6.0 منتشر شد

Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6.0

  • When New Git experience feature flag is enabled, a message will appear in Team Explorer guiding users to the new Git tool window.
  • Fix for intermittent UI delay while closing VS when WinForms .NET Core designer is in open state.
  • Fixed issues creating projects using type providers, throwing missing method exception at runtime.
  • Fixed project creation for .NET framework projects.
  • New find in files experience respects options in Tools-Options-Find and Replace pane.
  • Fixed a bug where Git repository does not change when closing a Folder and opening a Solution.
  • Fixed bug when building iOS app using full debug symbols.
  • Added back browing of Mac Distribution provisioning profiles and certificates from Windows.
  • Fixed a bug causing Visual Studio 2019 to stop responding when working with Xamarin projects on certain scenarios.
  • Added keyboard shortcut for "Copy with Headers" option in SQL Script Results Grid
  • SSDT users will now be able to set and view sensitivity properties for all version above SQL Server 2008
  • Improve Connection Properties dialog for accessibility users.
  • Fixed occasional crashes when using Tested By Code Lens indicator.
  • Ensure auto population of text in Find in files is as per legacy behavior.
  • Ensure left arrow key behavior in find in files is correct.
  • An issue blocking C++ users of the C++20 Ranges library from using algorithms. 
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6.0 منتشر شد
Visual Studio 2017 15.5.7 منتشر شد

Team Explorer support for TLSv1.2

  • We have updated the Git and the Git Credential Manager components that ship in Visual Studio.
  • The optional Git for Windows component has also been updated.
  • This update allows Git to connect to services that have deprecated support for TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 in favor of TLSv1.2.

Issues Fixed in this Release

These are the customer-reported issues addressed in this release:

  • Projects targeting .NET Core 2.1 or newer are not supported by Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5.
  • Fixed issue where installation of the SDK for .NET Core 2.1 or newer would cause the option to create ASP.NET Core 2.0 Web applications to disappear. 
Visual Studio 2017 15.5.7 منتشر شد
نگارش نهایی SQL Server 2022 منتشر شد

Today, we announced the general availability of SQL Server 2022, the most Azure-enabled release of SQL Server yet, with continued innovation across performance, security, and availability1. This marks the latest milestone in the more than 30-year history of SQL Server. 

نگارش نهایی SQL Server 2022 منتشر شد
پاسخ به بازخورد‌های پروژه‌ها
خطا و راهنمایی
جناب نصیری بابت راهنمایی تشکر می‌کنم مشکلات فوق برطرف شد اما یه سری دیگه از خطاها بوجود اومد به شرح زیر لطفا مجددا راهنمایی بفرمائید
خطای زیر در فایل xaml درست عنوان شده اما ...
Error1Cannot create an instance of "Browser"....\Samples\DemosBrowser\MainWindow.xaml99DemosBrowser
Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Pdf\AccountingBalanceSample.pdf'.

   at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)

   at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)

   at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)

   at PdfRpt.FluentInterface.DataTemplate.get_PdfStreamOutput() in ...\Lib\FluentInterface\DataTemplate.cs:line 605

   at PdfRpt.PdfReportDocument.createPdf() in ...\Lib\PdfReportDocument.cs:line 119

   at PdfRpt.PdfReportDocument.<runInReleaseMode>b__0(Document pdfDisposable) in ...\Lib\PdfReportDocument.cs:line 113

   at PdfRpt.Core.Helper.Guard.SafeUsingBlock[TDisposable,T](TDisposable disposable, Action`1 action, Func`2 unwrapper) in ...\Lib\Core\Helper\Guard.cs:line 91

   at PdfRpt.Core.Helper.Guard.SafeUsingBlock[TDisposable](TDisposable disposable, Action`1 action) in ...\Lib\Core\Helper\Guard.cs:line 58

   at PdfRpt.PdfReportDocument.runInReleaseMode() in ...\Lib\PdfReportDocument.cs:line 105

   at PdfRpt.PdfReportDocument.GeneratePdf(Boolean debugMode) in ...\Lib\PdfReportDocument.cs:line 87

   at PdfRpt.FluentInterface.PdfReport.Generate(Action`1 pdfRptFileBuilder, Boolean debugMode) in ...\Lib\FluentInterface\PdfReport.cs:line 90

   at PdfReportSamples.AccountingBalanceColumn.AccountingBalanceColumnPdfReport.CreatePdfReport() in ...\Samples\PdfReportSamples\AccountingBalanceColumn\AccountingBalanceColumnPdfReport.cs:line 17
ارجاع به dllهای زیر درست است اما..
Warning4Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "System.Windows.Controls.Toolkit, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.SlPdf
Warning5Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "System.Windows.Controls.Toolkit.Internals, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2c5c654d367bf4a7". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.SlPdf
Error1The type or namespace name 'BusyIndicator' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)...\Samples\SlPdf\SlPdf\obj\Debug\MainPage.g.i.cs3818SlPdf
Warning2The variable 'ex' is declared but never used...\Samples\DemosBrowser\Converters\ShellThumbnailConverter.cs4030DemosBrowser
با تشکر
0.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد

Summary of Notable New Features in 15.9

Top Issues Fixed in 15.9

0.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد