معرفی KeyValue Pipe در Angular 6.1

Introducing the New KeyValuePipe in Angular

<div *ngFor="let row of rows | keyvalue">
{{ row | json }}
{{row.key}}: {{row.value}}

معرفی KeyValue Pipe در Angular 6.1
نظرات مطالب
نصب Mono Develop 4.x در Ubuntu
یک نکته تکمیلی در مورد نصب از روی PPA
اگر یک برنامه جدید را در monodevelop شروع کردید و به خطای کامپایل ذیل برخوردید:
Error: A dependency of a referenced assembly may be missing, or you may be referencing an 
assembly created with a newer CLR version. See the compilation output for more details. (Test1)
به این معنا است که mono تنظیم شده در مسیرهای لینوکس، به آخرین نگارش تنظیم نیست. برای رفع این مشکل دستورات ذیل را صادر و بعد monodevelop را اجرا کنید:
export PATH=/opt/mono-3/bin:$PATH
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/mono-3/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
mono -V
بسته PPA، نگارش 3.2.1 را در مسیر opt/mono-3 نصب می‌کند.
کنترولر های چاق در ASP.NET MVC!
What is fat controller ?
  • there is a lot of code that should be in some other layer,
  • controller has many methods for AJAX responses,
  • controller has many methods to return JSON data
کنترولر های چاق در ASP.NET MVC!
خاصیت background-clip و نحوه استفاده از آن

background-clip is one of those properties I've known about for years, but rarely used. Maybe just a couple of times as part of a solution to a Stack Overflow question. Until last year, when I started creating my huge collection of sliders. Some of the designs I chose to reproduce were a bit more complex and I only had one element available per slider, which happened to be an input element, meaning that I couldn't even use pseudo-elements on it. Even though that does work in certain browsers, the fact that it works is actually a bug and I didn't want to rely on that. All this meant I ended up using backgrounds, borders, and shadows a lot. I also learned a lot from doing that and this article shares some of those lessons.  

خاصیت background-clip و نحوه استفاده از آن
بومی سازی در برنامه‌های Angular

Part of the new Angular rendering engine, Ivy, includes a new approach to localizing applications — specifically extracting and translating text. This article explains the benefits and some of the implementation of this new approach. 

بومی سازی در برنامه‌های Angular
Reflector 10 منتشر شد

What's new in this release?

  • Full C#7.0 support
  • .NET Core support

For more information, please see the release notes.

Upgrading to .NET Reflector 10
.NET Reflector 10 is a major upgrade from .NET Reflector 9. If your current license includes a valid support and upgrades package for .NET Reflector 10, the same license serial number will automatically activate .NET Reflector 10.

If your v9.x license does not include support and upgrades, Reflector will upgrade to a 14-day trial of v10.0. 

Reflector 10 منتشر شد
نگاهی به نوع‌های جدید DateOnly و TimeOnly در NET 6.

In .NET 6 (preview 4), two long-awaited types have been introduced as part of the core library. DateOnly and TimeOnly allow developers to represent either the date or time portion of a DateTime. These two new types are structs (value types) and may be used when your code deals with date or time concepts independently. Both types can be found in the System namespace. Using these new types may align well with how databases allow similar data to be represented. Specifically, these types align well with the SQL Server date and time data types. 

نگاهی به نوع‌های جدید DateOnly و TimeOnly در NET 6.
صرفه جویی در زمان با ویژال استدیو
In this video series, she shares some of her favourite time saving tips. Give them a try and let her know what you think. There are more coming, so make sure to check back often or subscribe to the RSS feed to get her tips as soon as they are posted. 
صرفه جویی در زمان با ویژال استدیو
نظرات مطالب
شروع به کار با AngularJS 2.0 و TypeScript - قسمت نهم - مسیریابی
نکات ارتقاء به نگارش RTM
همان «نکات ارتقاء به نگارش RC5 » در اینجا هم برقرار هستند. فقط نام فایل app.routes.ts به app.routing.ts تغییر یافته‌است.
تغییرات پروژه را در اینجا می‌توانید دنبال کنید.

چند مطلب تکمیلی
Using the New Release of Angular 2’s Router 3.0.0 
Angular 2 Routing With Modules