مصاحبه ای خواندنی با یکی از بنیانگذاران شرکت Telerik
نکات مهم از داخل متن:
Telerik introduced the Telerik Platform
In the European Union alone, income from the development of mobile applications is estimated at 17.5 billion euros for 2013, according to a report published by the European Commission
Three weeks after releasing the first version[Telerik Platform], it achieved over 61 thousand registrations. Eight thousand people joined the online presentation of the platform 
و در نهایت پارگراف آخر
مصاحبه ای خواندنی با یکی از بنیانگذاران شرکت Telerik
بررسی استراتژی های نسخه بندی با رویکردهای Monorepos و Polyrepos در GitLab

The two most important topics I want to focus on in this post are:

  • Repository Management
  • Versioning Strategy

We have different options for each of them: You can go with Monorepos or Polyrepos for hosting your code, and you can pick different versioning methods like Semantic Release, Manual Versioning, Global Versioning, etc. I'll talk about each of them in the next sections. 

بررسی استراتژی های نسخه بندی با رویکردهای Monorepos و Polyrepos در GitLab
Entity Framework Core 5.0 Preview 2 منتشر شد

The previews of EF Core 5.0 require .NET Standard 2.1. This means:

  • EF Core 5.0 runs on .NET Core 3.1; it does not require .NET 5.
    • This may change in future previews depending on how the plan for .NET 5 evolves.
  • EF Core 5.0 runs on other platforms that support .NET Standard 2.1.
  • EF Core 5.0 will not run on .NET Standard 2.0 platforms, including .NET Framework. 
Entity Framework Core 5.0 Preview 2 منتشر شد
نظرات مطالب
AngularJS #4
1-  two way binding ( انقیاد دو طرفه)
Data-binding in Angular apps is the automatic synchronization of data between the model and view components 
2- در (Remove({{comment.id}},$Index نمیتوان از {{}} استفاده کرد، بجای آن (Remove(comment.id,$Index 
معرفی IndexedDB در مرورگر

This article introduces you to the in-browser document database known as IndexedDB. With IndexedDB you can create, read, update, and delete large sets of records in much the same way you are accustomed to doing with server-side databases. To experiment with a working version of the code presented in this article, please go to , and the full source code is available via the GitHub repository found at .

معرفی IndexedDB در مرورگر
ویژگی Image Tag Helper در MVC 6.0
<img src="~/images/logo.png" 
     alt="company logo" 
     asp-file-version="true" />

 which will generate something like this:
<img src="/images/logo.png?v=W2F5D366_nQ2fQqUk3URdgWy2ZekXjHzHJaY5yaiOOk" 
     alt="company logo"/>

The value of the v parameter is calculated based on the contents of the image file. If the contents of the image change, the value of the parameter will change. This forces the browser to download the new version of the file, even if the old version was cached locally. This technique is often called cache busting.
ویژگی Image Tag Helper در MVC 6.0