مقدمه ای بر Web Sql

In this post we will see some informations about Web SQL. I know you all are familiar with SQL, If not I strongly recommend you to read some basic informations here . As the name implies, Web SQL has so many similarities with SQL. So if you are good in SQL, you will love Web SQL too. Web SQL is an API which helps the developers to do some database operations in client side, like creating database, open the transaction, creating tables, inserting values to tables, deleting values, reading the data. 

مقدمه ای بر Web Sql
تازه‌های ASP.NET Core 3 Preview 6

ASP.NET Core 3 seems to be taking a similar tact to version 1 as it is adding a lot of functionality and phasing it in with different previews. 

تازه‌های ASP.NET Core 3 Preview 6
پیاده سازی Row Level Security در EF6

In this article we are going to implement row level security, its solution makes our application refactoring based and this feature let us manage our project easily.

and this way will reduce your business code and if you use DDD can significantly reduce codes in services. 

پیاده سازی Row Level Security در EF6
معرفی C# Dev Kit for Visual Studio Code

We are thrilled to announce the preview release of C# Dev Kit, a new Visual Studio Code extension that brings an improved editor-first C# development experience to Linux, macOS, and Windows. 

معرفی C# Dev Kit for Visual Studio Code
کتابی در مورد Angular و Firebase

What you will learn in this eBook?
We will cover the following Angular concepts in this book:
- Using Cloud Firestore with an Angular application
- Angular Material and Bootstrap
- Template-driven forms
- Form validation
- Custom pipes
- Auth-guards in Angular
- Authentication and Authorization
- Login with Google using Firebase
- Social share option using ngx-share
- Client-Side pagination using ngx-pagination
- Deploying an Angular app in Firebase 

کتابی در مورد Angular و Firebase
نصب سریع postgresql در سیستم عامل ubuntu

PostgreSQL, or Postgres, is a relational database management system that provides an implementation of the SQL querying language. It’s standards-compliant and has many advanced features like reliable transactions and concurrency without read locks.

This guide demonstrates how to quickly get Postgres up and running on an Ubuntu 20.04 server, from installing PostgreSQL to setting up a new user and database. If you’d prefer a more in-depth tutorial on installing and managing a PostgreSQL database, see How To Install and Use PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 20.04. 

نصب سریع postgresql در سیستم عامل ubuntu
نظرات مطالب
سیلورلایت 5 و تاریخ شمسی
سلام جناب نصیری
من تو پروژه سیلور از OData استفاده کردم. وقتی می خواستم Max یک ستون رو برگردونم با پیغام زیر مواجه شدم.
.NotSupportedException: The method 'Max' is not supported
ظاهرا بعضی از متدها موقع کوئری نوشتن (LINQ to Entities) با OData و WCF سازگار نیستن و ساپورت نمیشوند.(البته تا جایی که من سرچ کردم و یه چیزایی فهمیدم).
This topic provides information about the way in which LINQ queries are composed and executed when you are using the WCF Data Services client and limitations of using LINQ to query a data service that implements the Open Data Protocol (OData). For more information about composing and executing queries against an OData-based data service, see Querying the Data Service (WCF Data Services).
Composing LINQ Queries
LINQ enables you to compose queries against a collection of objects that implements IEnumerable. Both the Add Service Reference dialog box in Visual Studio and the DataSvcUtil.exe tool are used to generate a representation of an OData service as an entity container class that inherits from DataServiceContext, as well as objects that represent the entities returned in feeds. These tools also generate properties on the entity container class for the collections that are exposed as feeds by the service. Each of these properties of the class that encapsulates the data service return a DataServiceQuery. Because the DataServiceQuery class implements the IQueryable interface defined by LINQ, the WCF Data Services you can compose a LINQ query against feeds exposed by the data service, which are translated by the client library into a query request URI that is sent to the data service on execution.
The set of queries expressible in the LINQ syntax is broader than those enabled in the URI syntax that is used by OData data services. A NotSupportedException is raised when the query cannot be mapped to a URI in the target data service. For more information, see the Unsupported LINQ Methods in this topic.
لطفا اگر امکانش هست راهنمائی بفرمائید و اینکه حالا که ساپورت نمیشه چه راه حلی وجود داره برای Max گرفتن.
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