کتاب رایگان Java Succinctly Part 1

Java is a high-level, cross-platform, object-oriented programming language that allows applications to be written once and run on a multitude of different devices. Java applications are ubiquitous, and the language is consistently ranked as one of the most popular and dominant in the world. Christopher Rose’s Java Succinctly Part 1 describes the foundations of Java–from printing a line of text to the console, to inheritance hierarchies in object-oriented programming. The e-book covers practical aspects of programming, such as debugging and using an IDE, as well as the core mechanics of the language.

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
  3. Writing Output
  4. Reading Input
  5. Data Types and Variables
  6. Operators and Expressions
  7. Control Structures
  8. Object-Oriented Programming
  9. Example Programs and Conclusion 
کتاب رایگان Java Succinctly Part 1
داستان خلق vue.js از زبان Evan You

I What began as a side project of a Google developer
now shares the JS leaderboard with #React and #Angular With the help of Sarah Drasner, Taylor Otwell, Thorsten Lünborg and many others from the Vue.js community, Evan You tells the story of how he fought against the odds to bring #Vuejs to life

داستان خلق vue.js از زبان Evan You
نگاهی به Entity Framework 7 چندسکویی

In this short video Nate shows us how to use Entity Framework 7 in a cross platform way (on a mac in this case). One of the guiding principles (as outlined by Rowan in an earlier video) was the ability to use EF7 on any kind of device. This video shows the culmination of that work.

نگاهی به Entity Framework 7 چندسکویی
ابزار اندازه گیری Code Metrics مخصوص Visual Studio 2015
 The Code Metrics PowerTool is a command line utility that calculates code metrics for your managed code and saves them to an XML file. This tool enables teams to collect and report code metrics as part of their build process. The code metrics calculated are: Maintainability, IndexCyclomatic, ComplexityDepth of InheritanceClass CouplingLines Of Code (LOC) 
ابزار اندازه گیری Code Metrics مخصوص Visual Studio 2015
سایت SQL مدرن

Since 1999, SQL is not limited to the relational model anymore.
Back then ISO/IEC 9075 (the “SQL standard”) added arrays, objects and recursive queries. In the meanwhile the SQL standard has grown five times bigger than SQL-92. In other words: relational SQL is only about 20% of modern SQL.0 

سایت SQL مدرن
روش فعالسازی قالب‌های NET 5. در Visual Studio 2019

You may have noticed it already, but when you create a console application with Visual Studio 2019, the default runtime is not .NET 5 but .NET Core 3.1! Why ? Because .NET 5 is not LTS and therefore Microsoft has intentionally chosen to offer the latest LTS version of .NET by default, ie .NET Core 3.1. 

روش فعالسازی قالب‌های NET 5. در Visual Studio 2019