استفاده از LINQ در JavaScript
One of the more awesome things I like about being a .NET developer is LINQ. LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a fluent query interface implemented in the .NET framework. It helps you query, sort and order any type of collection. This is a very neat way of querying arrays, lists, dictionaries, objects, etc. I’ve made 5 examples which run out of the box with Node.js (or io.js). You can also use the library for browser based JavaScript projects.
استفاده از LINQ در JavaScript
بررسی کارآیی Span در C# 7.2

.NET Span<T> better performance 

Method  |Mean         |Scaled |Rank   |Allocated  |
------- |------------:|------:|------:|----------:|
Array   |  4,966.5 us |  1.00 |     3 |    4032 B |
Span    |    162.9 us |  0.03 |     1 |       0 B |
Pointer |    175.3 us |  0.04 |     2 |       0 B |
بررسی کارآیی Span در C# 7.2
نگاهی به WPF in .NET 4.6
Despite rumors to the contrary, WPF development at Microsoft isn’t dead. There are four major areas of investment for WPF in .NET 4.6 and beyond:
  • Performance
  • DirectX Integration
  • Supporting Modern Hardware
  • Tooling 
نگاهی به WPF in .NET 4.6
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET 7 Preview 7.

Here’s a summary of what’s new in this preview release:

  • New Blazor WebAssembly loading page
  • Blazor data binding get/set/after modifiers
  • Blazor virtualization improvements
  • Pass state using NavigationManager
  • Additional System.Security.Cryptography support on WebAssembly
  • Updated Angular and React templates
  • gRPC JSON transcoding performance
  • Authentication will use single scheme as DefaultScheme
  • IFormFile/IFormFileCollection support for authenticated requests in minimal APIs
  • New problem details service
  • Diagnostics middleware updates
  • New HttpResults interfaces 
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET 7 Preview 7.
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET 7 Preview 6.

Here’s a summary of what’s new in this preview release:

  • Request decompression middleware
  • Output caching middleware
  • Updates to rate limiting middleware
  • Kestrel support for WebSockets over HTTP/2
  • Kestrel performance improvements on high core machines
  • Support for logging additional request headers in W3CLogger
  • Empty Blazor project templates
  • System.Security.Cryptography support on WebAssembly
  • Blazor custom elements no longer experimental
  • Experimental QuickGrid component for Blazor
  • gRPC JSON transcoding multi-segment parameters
  • MapGroup support for more extension methods 
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET 7 Preview 6.
دوره پیاده سازی minimal API با دات نت 7

.NET 7 minimal API from scratch | FULL COURSE | clean architecture, repository pattern, CQRS MediatR

In this course I want to provide you a project structure and code organization to get you started with real .NET 7 minimal API projects. It's a full course on this topic where I start from creating and explaining the project structure, setting up different layers using EF Core, repository pattern, CQRS and MediatR. The biggest part of the video is however around the .NET 7 minimal API, taking you from the initial setup, explaining route handlers, implementing all CRUD operations and so on. Last but not least, this course walks you through the process of refactoring the .NET 7 minimal API so that it becomes readable, maintainable and scalable. At the end, you'll have a full project structure organized according to modern architectural patterns that you can take as a template for your own projects.

1. Intro: 00:00
2. Structuring the solution: 01:00
3. Coding the domain layer: 05:25
4. Coding the data access layer: 08:22
5. Creating repositories: 11:17
6. Adding migrations and database update: 22:30
7. CQRS with MediatR: 29:07
8. Route and rout handlers: 52:06
9. Dependency injection: 55:52
10. Implementing GET by ID : 57:40
11. Implementing POST route: 01:00:26
12. Implementing GET all route: 01:03:41
13. Implement PUT and DELETE: 01:04:57
14. Testing with Postman: 01:09:01
15. Is there a problem? 01:12:41
16. Refactoring service registrations: 01:15:49
17. Refactoring route registrations: 01:20:01
18. Automatic registration of endpoints: 01:26:28
19. Introducing route groups:  01:31:43
20. Extract lambdas into instance methods: 01:34:31
21: Model validation with endpoint filters: 01:45:58
22. Global exception handling: 01:55:10
23. Conclusions: 01:59:49 

دوره پیاده سازی minimal API با دات نت 7
چگونه دات نت تا این اندازه سریع است؟

Why is .NET so Insanely Fast? with Stephen Toub | Keep Coding Podcast #7
Keep Coding Podcast
In this video I will have a chat with Stephen Toub, Partner Software Engineer at Microsoft. Stephen has been a core part of the performance advancements in .NET and in this episode I will try and get his perspective on why is .NET so fast. 

چگونه دات نت تا این اندازه سریع است؟
شماره ویژه CODE Magazine مخصوص دات نت 7

As Microsoft launches .NET 7, CODE Focus offers high quality insights right from the teams responsible for designing and improving the product. Dig into articles about C# 11, .NET MAUI, Blazor, EF Core 7, CoreWCF and better tools to upgrade your existing .NET and ASP.NET applications to the latest release. Plus performance enhancements everywhere! This is an amazing release. 

شماره ویژه CODE Magazine مخصوص دات نت 7
مایکروسافت و اپن‌سورس

Microsoft has come a long way in its effort to initially warm up to and later adopt open source software — from small skunkworks projects to full-fledged adoption and now supporting more than 10,000 engineers contributing to open source. 

مایکروسافت و اپن‌سورس