آشنایی با الگوی M-V-VM‌ - قسمت پنجم

در این قسمت قصد داریم از امکانات جدید اعتبار سنجی تعریف شده در فضای نام استاندارد System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations استفاده نمائیم. از سیلورلایت سه به بعد امکان استفاده از این فضای نام به سادگی در برنامه‌های سیلورلایت میسر است (همچنین در برنامه‌های ASP.Net MVC)؛ اما برای کار با آن در WPF نیاز به تعدادی متد کمکی می‌باشد...

فهرست مطالب:
فصل 5- تعیین اعتبار ورودی کاربر و الگوی MVVM
  • مقدمه
  • معرفی برنامه فصل
  • مدل برنامه‌ی فصل
  • ViewModel برنامه فصل
  • View برنامه فصل

دریافت قسمت پنجم
دریافت مثال قسمت پنجم

تعدادی از منابع و مآخذ مورد استفاده در این سری:

1. Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) Explained
2. Model View ViewModel
3. DataModel-View-ViewModel pattern
4. 5 Minute Overview of MVVM in Silverlight
5. A Field Guide to WPF Presentation Patterns
6. An attempt at simple MVVM with WPF
7. WPF: If Heineken did MVVM Frameworks Part 1 of n
8. Modal dialogs with MVVM and Silverlight 4
9. How do I do… With the Model-View-ViewModel pattern
10. Intro to WPF MVVM
11. Introduction to MVVM pattern in WPF
12. Learning WPF M-V-VM
13. Binding Combo Boxes in WPF with MVVM
14. Model-View-ViewModel Pattern
15. Unit Testable WCF Web Services in MVVM and Silverlight 4
16. MVVM Part 1: Overview
17. Which came first, the View or the Model?
18. Stackoverflow's questions tagged with MVVM
19. WPF: MVVM (Model View View-Model) Simplified
20. WPF and MVVM tutorial 01, Introduction
21. WPF patterns : MVC, MVP or MVVM or…?
22. Silverlight, MVVM and Validation Part III
23. DotNetKicks.com - Stories recently tagged with 'MVVM'
24. DotNetShoutout - Stories tagged with MVVM
25. MVVM Light Toolkit
26. MVVM screen casts
27. What’s new in MVVM Light V3
28. Using RelayCommands in Silverlight 3 and WPF
29. WPF Apps With The Model-View-ViewModel Design Pattern
30. WPF MVVM and Showing Dialogs

نیازمندیهای یک پروژه ASP.NET Core Web API, Part 1 - Serilog

Why Serilog? It is easy to set up, has a clean API, and is portable between recent .NET platforms. The big difference between Serilog and the other frameworks is that it is designed to do structured logging out of the box. Another thing I really like about Serilog is that it can be configured via the appsetting.json file alongside configuring through code. Changing logging configuration without touching the codebase is really helpful, especially in the production environment. 

نیازمندیهای یک پروژه ASP.NET Core Web API, Part 1 - Serilog
Bosque زبان برنامه نویسی جدید مایکروسافت بر پایه تایپ اسکریپت

The Bosque programming language is designed for writing code that is simple, obvious, and easy to reason about for both humans and machines. The key design features of the language provide ways to avoidaccidental complexity in the development and coding process. The goal is improved developer productivity, increased software quality, and enabling a range of new compilers and developer tooling experiences. 

Bosque زبان برنامه نویسی جدید مایکروسافت بر پایه تایپ اسکریپت
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET 7 Preview 5.

Here’s a summary of what’s new in this preview release:

  • JWT authentication improvements & automatic authentication configuration
  • Minimal API’s parameter binding support for argument list simplification 
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET 7 Preview 5.
سایت NET Core Show.

Each episode has a set of show notes - in the form of a blog post on this site. And each set of show notes has an embedded player, which will allow you to listen to the episode via the show notes. 

سایت NET Core Show.

If you maintain an open-source project in the range of 10k-200k lines of code, I strongly encourage you to add an ARCHITECTURE document next to README and CONTRIBUTING. Before going into the details of why and how, I want to emphasize that this is not another “docs are good, write more docs” advice. I am pretty sloppy about documentation, and, eg, I often use just “simplify” as a commit message. Nonetheless, I feel strongly about the issue, even to the point of pestering you:-) 

مقدمه ای بر Web Sql

In this post we will see some informations about Web SQL. I know you all are familiar with SQL, If not I strongly recommend you to read some basic informations here . As the name implies, Web SQL has so many similarities with SQL. So if you are good in SQL, you will love Web SQL too. Web SQL is an API which helps the developers to do some database operations in client side, like creating database, open the transaction, creating tables, inserting values to tables, deleting values, reading the data. 

مقدمه ای بر Web Sql
Redis 6.0.0 GA منتشر شد

The next major release of the popular data structure server is here. Redis is at the heart of so many data systems nowadays that any major release is big news but 6.0 packs in a lot of new bits and pieces that make it more robust and capable of modern workloads, including:
- Access Control Lists (ACL) for limiting what certain clients can do.
- Diskless replication on replicas.
- Threaded I/O (but Redis itself remains primarily single threaded).
- SSL/TLS support.
- A new client-server protocol, RESP3.

Redis 6.0.0 GA منتشر شد