ReSharper 2024.2 منتشر شد

ReSharper 2024.2 and the latest versions of other JetBrains .NET tools have just been released. This release brings support for the .NET 9 Preview SDK, new C# and C++ features, localization updates, AI Assistant enhancements, and much more.

ReSharper 2024.2 منتشر شد
ASP.NET Core 3.0 Preview 2 منتشر شد

Here's the list of what's new in this preview:

  • Razor Components
  • SignalR client-to-server streaming
  • Pipes on HttpContext
  • Generic host in templates
  • Endpoint routing updates 
ASP.NET Core 3.0 Preview 2 منتشر شد
مدل پیکره بندی جدید در ASP.NET CORE

ASPNET Core has a lot of changes compared with the others versions of ASP.NET. One change I want to highlight is the new way to configure settings. With previous versions, this configuration was made by using the common file web.config, but this file simply doesn’t exist anymore in ASP.NET Core. Instead, a new easy way to declare and access to the settings is provided. Let’s take a look. 

مدل پیکره بندی جدید در ASP.NET CORE
طراحی تامین کننده مبتنی بر Filesystem برای سیستم Logging در ASP.NET Core

In this post I'll show how to create a logging provider that writes logs to the file system. In production, I'd recommended using a more fully-featured system like Serilog instead of this library, but I wanted to see what was involved to get a better idea of the process myself.

The code for the file logging provider is available on GitHub, or as the NetEscapades.Extensions.Logging.RollingFile package on NuGet. 

طراحی تامین کننده مبتنی بر Filesystem برای سیستم Logging در ASP.NET Core
دوره پیاده سازی minimal API با دات نت 7

.NET 7 minimal API from scratch | FULL COURSE | clean architecture, repository pattern, CQRS MediatR

In this course I want to provide you a project structure and code organization to get you started with real .NET 7 minimal API projects. It's a full course on this topic where I start from creating and explaining the project structure, setting up different layers using EF Core, repository pattern, CQRS and MediatR. The biggest part of the video is however around the .NET 7 minimal API, taking you from the initial setup, explaining route handlers, implementing all CRUD operations and so on. Last but not least, this course walks you through the process of refactoring the .NET 7 minimal API so that it becomes readable, maintainable and scalable. At the end, you'll have a full project structure organized according to modern architectural patterns that you can take as a template for your own projects.

1. Intro: 00:00
2. Structuring the solution: 01:00
3. Coding the domain layer: 05:25
4. Coding the data access layer: 08:22
5. Creating repositories: 11:17
6. Adding migrations and database update: 22:30
7. CQRS with MediatR: 29:07
8. Route and rout handlers: 52:06
9. Dependency injection: 55:52
10. Implementing GET by ID : 57:40
11. Implementing POST route: 01:00:26
12. Implementing GET all route: 01:03:41
13. Implement PUT and DELETE: 01:04:57
14. Testing with Postman: 01:09:01
15. Is there a problem? 01:12:41
16. Refactoring service registrations: 01:15:49
17. Refactoring route registrations: 01:20:01
18. Automatic registration of endpoints: 01:26:28
19. Introducing route groups:  01:31:43
20. Extract lambdas into instance methods: 01:34:31
21: Model validation with endpoint filters: 01:45:58
22. Global exception handling: 01:55:10
23. Conclusions: 01:59:49 

دوره پیاده سازی minimal API با دات نت 7
تفکر درباره mvc 5,mvc 6,mvc flash 3

Over five years ago I released MvcFlash, and soon after I released the second iteration MvcFlash2. Don't let the terrible naming and versioning fool you, this is one of my favorite creations. As ASP.NET 5 starts to take root and MVC 6 blossoms, I begin to feel more confident about creating the next version of MvcFlash. Honestly, I can't see developing an MVC application without it. Before I do, I thought I would muse about the possible challenges ahead. 

تفکر درباره mvc 5,mvc 6,mvc flash 3
سری ساخت افزونه‌های Visual Studio

In part 1 Tim provides an overview of extensions and talks about some of the enhancements in Visual Studio 2015 for writing extensions. He creates a very simple extension and then gives a quick overview of an extension he is writing.

سری ساخت افزونه‌های Visual Studio