بررسی C# Object Notation

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a subset of the JavaScript language used for the definition and exchange of data. While I’m not proposing that we create a similar standard using C#, I do want to illustrate some of the rich object initialization syntax of the language.

بررسی C# Object Notation
نگاهی به مراحل تکامل زبان #C

Since its original release in 2002, C# has been regularly updated with new features. Today, we will look at the most important new features of each major language version and explore how the C# code we have been writing, has evolved through years.  

نگاهی به مراحل تکامل زبان #C
چگونگی مستندسازی اشیای Microsoft SQL Server

In any good programming reference, you will read that a developer has to document his code, not only for him/herself, but also for the person who, ten years later will be asked to maintain it. This would, of course, be made easier thanks to a good documentation of existing code. 

چگونگی مستندسازی اشیای Microsoft SQL Server
طراحی و پیاده سازی Domain Events در DDD
In short, domain events help you to express, explicitly, the domain rules, based in the ubiquitous language provided by the domain experts. Domain events also enable a better separation of concerns among classes within the same domain. It's important to ensure that, just like a database transaction, either all the operations related to a domain event finish successfully or none of them do. Domain events are similar to messaging-style events, with one important difference. With real messaging, message queuing, message brokers, or a service bus using AMQP, a message is always sent asynchronously and communicated across processes and machines. This is useful for integrating multiple Bounded Contexts, microservices, or even different applications. However, with domain events, you want to raise an event from the domain operation you are currently running, but you want any side effects to occur within the same domain. The domain events and their side effects (the actions triggered afterwards that are managed by event handlers) should occur almost immediately, usually in-process, and within the same domain. Thus, domain events could be synchronous or asynchronous. Integration events, however, should always be asynchronous.
طراحی و پیاده سازی Domain Events در  DDD