بررسی imageهای مختلف NET. در Docker

.NET and .NET Core (and Windows!) have been getting better and better with Docker. I run Docker for Windows as it supports both Linux Containers and Windows Containers. They have both a Stable and Edge channel. The Edge (Beta) channel is regularly updated and, as a rule, gets better and better in the year I've been running it. 

بررسی imageهای مختلف NET. در Docker
دوره آموزشی TypeScript ،ASP.NET Web API ، AngularJS Bootcamp هفته چهارم

This past week of the bootcamp was devoted to the Microsoft ASP.NET Web API. In other words, students learned how to build the server-side half of their full stack Web apps. By this point in the camp, students understand how all of the various pieces of a modern web app fit together. 

دوره آموزشی TypeScript ،ASP.NET Web API ، AngularJS Bootcamp هفته چهارم
4.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد

These are the customer-reported issues addressed in 15.9.4:

Security Advisory Notices

4.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد
کتابخانه instafetch
instafetch fetches media from Instagram based on (and only on) the user and/or tag, relying on the Instagram API.

If you use the Instagram API to make a call, you will only get 33 results back, no matter what you specify in the count paramter. Instafetch will help you fetch more media than the limit imposes, in exchange for more API calls, which can count against your hourly limit.  Demo
کتابخانه instafetch
نظرات مطالب
پیاده سازی JSON Web Token با ASP.NET Web API 2.x
من قبلا اینjwt رو تو یکی از پروژه هام راه اندازی کردم ومشکلی نداشتم . اما در پروژه جدیدی که ایجادکردم و بر روی پروژه این jwt رو اوردم هنگام کلیک بر روی لاگین و فراخوانی تابع dologin خطا میده که متن خطا به شکل زیر هست. 
<h2> <i>The resource cannot be found.</i> </h2></span>
<b> Description: </b>HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. &nbsp;Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
 <b> Requested URL: </b>/login<br><br>
 [HttpException]: The controller for path &#39;/login&#39; was not found or does not implement IController.

مستندات ASP.NET 5
    Getting Started
        Installing ASP.NET 5 On Windows
        Installing ASP.NET 5 On Mac OS X
        Installing ASP.NET 5 On Linux
        Choosing the Right .NET For You on the Server
        Your First ASP.NET 5 Application Using Visual Studio
        Your First ASP.NET 5 Application on a Mac
        Publish to an Azure Web App using Visual Studio
    Conceptual Overview
        Introduction to ASP.NET 5
        Introducing .NET Core
        DNX Overview
        Understanding ASP.NET 5 Web Apps
        Working with Static Files
        Dependency Injection
        Working with Multiple Environments
    .NET Execution Environment (DNX)
        DNX Overview
        Creating a Cross-Platform Console App with DNX
        Working with DNX Projects
        Using Commands
    Publishing and Deployment
        Publish to a Docker Image
    Client-Side Development
        Grunt and Gulp: Task Runners
        Manage Client-Side Packages with Bower
        Building Beautiful, Responsive Sites with Bootstrap
        Knockout.js MVVM Framework
        Styling Applications with Less, Sass, and Font Awesome
        Enabling authenication using external providers
        Account Confirmation and Password Recovery with ASP.NET Identity
        Two-factor authenication with SMS using ASP.NET Identity
        Data Protection
        Writing Middleware
مستندات ASP.NET 5
آینده‌ی Microsoft
  • Microsoft will change how it reports financially.
  • Microsoft will become a “consumer-focused enterprise company.”
  • Windows will converge into a single code base capable of running on any platform.
  • Application development will converge into allowing developers to maintain a single code base for an app that will run on any device capable of running Windows.
  • Release frequency will dramatically increase.
  • The “modern” user interface is here to stay.  
آینده‌ی Microsoft