#C به عنوان یک زبان سیستمی

When you think about C#, you'll usually think about a high-level language, one that is utilized to build websites, APIs, and desktop applications. However, from its inception, C# had the foundation to be used as a system language, with facilities that allow you direct memory access and fine-grained control over memory and execution.

#C به عنوان یک زبان سیستمی
نظرات مطالب
امن سازی برنامه‌های ASP.NET Core توسط IdentityServer 4x - قسمت نهم- مدیریت طول عمر توکن‌ها
چگونه می‌توان sign out را پیاده سازی کرد 
نمی‌توان. کل توضیح بحث راجع به همین موضوع هست. نمونه‌ی دیگر آن بحث «اعتبارسنجی مبتنی بر JWT در ASP.NET Core 2.0 بدون استفاده از سیستم Identity» هست که شبیه به مفهوم همین reference token را به همراه یک ITokenValidatorService پیاده سازی کرده (قسمت «تهیه یک اعتبارسنج توکن سفارشی» آن) تا بتوان logout را به همراه JWTها داشت.
پشتیبانی از JSON در sql server 2016

At last, SQL Server has caught up with other RDBMSs by providing a useful measure of JSON-support. It is a useful start, even though it is nothing like as comprehensive as the existing XML support. For many applications, what is provided will be sufficient. Robert Sheldon describes what is there and what isn't. 

پشتیبانی از JSON در sql server 2016
روش فعالسازی IE Mode در Chromium Edge

As you may remember, Microsoft has removed the IE Mode feature from Microsoft Edge. THe company has limited it to enterprise customers and IT admins. They have also stated that the feature was released to the public for testing purposes only. Here is a bit of good news - you can re-enable IE Mode when needed with recent versions of Edge! 

روش فعالسازی IE Mode در Chromium Edge
سری 6 قسمتی در رابطه با User Stories

A user story is a short description of something your customer will do when they come to your website or use your application. It focuses on the result or value that the customer gets. They are written from the customer’s point of view and in the language that they would use. 

سری 6 قسمتی در رابطه با User Stories