نگارش نهایی NET Core 2.1. منتشر شد

We’re excited to announce the release of .NET Core 2.1. It includes improvements to performance, to the runtime and tools. It also includes a new way to deploy tools as NuGet packages.  

نگارش نهایی NET Core 2.1. منتشر شد
کتابخانه a2d3

A set of composable and extensible Angular 2 directives for building SVGs with D3 declaritively. This library provides functionality for basic charts out of the box, but it can be easily extended to support building declarative syntaxes for just about any SVG generated by D3.  Demo

کتابخانه a2d3
ساخت یک برنامه اعلان وضعیت (Notification) توسط برنامه های UWP بخش اول

f you are a developer and building apps or games for Windows 10, targetting Universal Windows Platform (aka. UWP), you might want to show toast notifications to the user of your app/game. You might also want to provide some additional content like textbox, button etc. to get specific inputs. 

ساخت یک برنامه اعلان وضعیت (Notification) توسط برنامه های UWP بخش اول
نکته ها و ترفند هایی دربارهRazor Partial View

Partial views in ASP.NET MVC allow you to reuse and customise components to act like user controls. They consist of both code and markup. They are an idea that is easy to grasp but they have great potential for the more adventurous developer who is prepared to experiment. Dino Esposito explains 

نکته ها و ترفند هایی دربارهRazor Partial View
اضافه شدن HTTP Logging توکار در NET 6.0.

HTTP Logging is a middleware that logs information about HTTP requests and HTTP responses. HTTP logging provides logs of

HTTP request information
Common properties
HTTP response information

HTTP Logging is valuable in several scenarios to

Record information about incoming requests and responses
Filter which parts of the request and response are logged
Filtering which headers to log

اضافه شدن HTTP Logging توکار در NET 6.0.
بررسی نگارش جدید کتابخانه‌ی SecurityHeaders
In this post I provide an update on the NetEscapades.AspNetCore.SecurityHeaders project. I've just released a preview version of 1.0.0, which addresses some longstanding requests for extra functionality, updates the supported target frameworks, and more. In this post I provide a quick overview of the library, and then discuss the major changes made in this first preview.
بررسی نگارش جدید کتابخانه‌ی SecurityHeaders
کتابخانه alloy-ui

AlloyUI is a framework built on top of YUI3 (JavaScript) that uses Bootstrap 3 (HTML/CSS) to provide a simple API for building high scalable applications  Demo

کتابخانه alloy-ui
فریمورک تهیه شده با Asp.net Mvc و Asp.net Web Api به صورت NTier با پشتیبانی از چند زبانگی

These are some key features of the framework itself:

Modular and NLayered architecture
Dependency Injection
Domain Driven Design
Unit of work implementation
Flexible Localization system
Automatic data filters
Audit logging
Setting management
Menu management
Exception handling
Event bus for domain events
Auto-creating Web API layer for Application Services
Auto-creating Javascript proxy layer to use Web API layer
Javascript helper methods for ajax, notifications, message boxes, making UI busy...
Easily working with embedded resources
Useful extension and helper methods   

فریمورک تهیه شده با Asp.net Mvc و Asp.net Web Api به صورت NTier با پشتیبانی از چند زبانگی