DatePicker شمسی مخصوص Blazor

fericode/Blazor.PersianDatePicker: A free JavaScript Jalali (Persian) and Gregorian (Miladi) dual datepicker library for Blazor applications 

DatePicker شمسی مخصوص Blazor
نظرات مطالب
تهیه خروجی RSS در برنامه‌های ASP.NET MVC
یک نکته‌ی تکمیلی
فید سایت امروز از کار افتاده بود. علت آن وجود یک سری کاراکتر غیرمجاز XML در متن بود که باید به نحو ذیل پاک شوند:
        private static readonly Regex _matchHexadecimalSymbols =
            new Regex("[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

        /// <summary>
        /// there are a lot of symbols which can't be in xml code.
        /// </summary>
        public static string RemoveHexadecimalSymbols(this string txt)
            return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txt) ?
                string.Empty : _matchHexadecimalSymbols.Replace(txt, string.Empty);
در کدهای مطلب فوق، مقادیر content و title باید پیش از استفاده، توسط این متد پاکسازی شوند.
R4MVC معادل T4MVC برای ASP.NET Core

R4MVC is a Roslyn code generator for ASP.NET MVC Core apps that creates strongly typed helpers that eliminate the use of literal strings in many places.

It is a re-implementation of T4MVC for ASP.NET Core projects. 

R4MVC معادل T4MVC برای ASP.NET Core
بررسی NET CLI.

.NET Core is a set of runtime, library and complier components. Microsoft uses these components in various configurations for device and cloud workloads. You can do the same for your app or service 

بررسی NET CLI.
راهنمای Net Core.

.NET Core is a set of runtime, library and compiler components. Microsoft uses these components in various configurations for device and cloud workloads. You can do the same for your app or service. 

راهنمای Net Core.
اضافه شدن قابلیت Package Registry به Github

Today, we’re excited to introduce GitHub Package Registry, a package management service that makes it easy to publish public or private packages next to your source code.

GitHub Package Registry is fully integrated with GitHub, so you can use the same search, browsing, and management tools to find and publish packages as you do for your repositories. You can also use the same user and team permissions to manage code and packages together. GitHub Package Registry provides fast, reliable downloads backed by GitHub’s global CDN. And it supports familiar package management tools: JavaScript (npm), Java (Maven), Ruby (RubyGems), .NET (NuGet), and Docker images, with more to come.

اضافه شدن قابلیت Package Registry به Github
سازمان پروژه‌های پژوهشی پیشرفتهٔ دفاعی (DARPA): تمام کدهای C باید به Rust تبدیل شوند!

DARPA Wants All C Converted To Rust

After more than two decades of grappling with memory safety issues in C and C++, the software engineering community has reached a consensus. It’s not enough to rely on bug-finding tools. The preferred approach is to use “safe” programming languages that can reject unsafe programs at compile time, thereby preventing the emergence of memory safety issues.

سازمان پروژه‌های پژوهشی پیشرفتهٔ دفاعی (DARPA): تمام کدهای C باید به Rust تبدیل شوند!