نظرات مطالب
Blazor 5x - قسمت 19 - کار با فرم‌ها - بخش 7 - نکات ویژه‌ی کار با EF-Core در برنامه‌های Blazor Server
جهت ثبت و دریافت داده‌ها من از MediateR استفاده کردم.
در مرحله اول context را مطابق الوی گفته شده ایجاد کردم:
services.AddDbContextFactory<ApplicationDbContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connectionString));
services.AddScoped<IunitOfWork>(serviceProvider =>
سپس با توجه به اینکه سرویس‌ها و IunitOfwork هم داخل هندلرها تعریف می‌شوند تنها اینترفیس Idisposable به  IunitOfwork   نسبت داده شده است:
public interface IUnitOfWork : IDisposable
و سپس 
@inherits  OwningComponentBase<IMediator>

تا به حال مشکلی در اجرا دیده نشد تا اینکه در حالت OnParameterAsync که دو مرتبه پشت سر هم اجرا میشود با خطاهای زیر روبرو شد:
 A second operation was started on this context instance before a previous operation completed. This is usually caused by different threads concurrently using the same instance of DbContext.
 For more information on how to avoid threading issues with DbContext

 System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
      Object name: 'IServiceProvider'.
در صورتی که اگر با یک فلگ کنترل شود که در مرتبه‌های بعدی اجرا نشود مشکلی نیست.
در این حالت چند سوال مطرح میباشد:
1- آیا استفاده از MediateR به این شکل صحیح است؟ و اینکه استفاده از OwningComponentBase برای آن تاثیری دارد یا خیر اینکه مستقیم هم Inject شود کفایت میکند.
2- به جهت اینکه Onparameter دوبار صدا زده میشود. نحوه واکشی دیتا در این حالت چگونه است؟
کتابخانه tabbedcontent
TabbedContent is a lightweight* tabs plugin that uses the HTML5 history API to add your tab navigation to your browser's history.

* 2.6 KB packed, 1.5 KB gzipped

It is compatible with both jQuery and Zepto.js libraries.
It also has an API that will let you switch between tabs externally.

Basic Demo  Bootstrap Demo  Bootstrap + Zepto.js Demo
کتابخانه tabbedcontent
مواردی که باید درباره Visual Studio Online account باید بدانید
With Visual Studio Online, I realized I have not installed an On-premise Team Foundation Server in a while.  The convenience of these online accounts always being available, having the server automatically upgraded, and of course access to services such as Cloud Load Test, Hosted Build and Application Insights takes it from an incredible inconvenience to a must have
مواردی که باید درباره Visual Studio Online account باید بدانید
مهندسی معکوس سمت سرور WhatsApp

This project intends to provide a complete description and re-implementation of the WhatsApp Web API, which will eventually lead to a custom client. WhatsApp Web internally works using WebSockets; this project does as well.

مهندسی معکوس سمت سرور WhatsApp
مشارکت در تعیین موارد پر اهمیت مسیر راه آتی WPF

We kindly ask you for your valuable input on the priorities for modernizing investments that the WPF team should focus on, as outlined in the roadmap document for 2023.

Please use thumbs up (no other emoji responses will be considered to avoid duplication) on options below which you would like us to prioritize.

مشارکت در تعیین موارد پر اهمیت مسیر راه آتی WPF
معرفی Ember

Would you like help creating single-page applications (SPAs)? Maybe you've worked with tools like jQuery and AJAX, but what about Ember? With a simple syntax and an emphasis on reuse and components, this JavaScript framework can make it very easy to create interactive pages. Get a close look at Ember, plus lots of demos and practical tips with popular experts Adam Tuliper and Christopher Harrison, in this three-hour event for the MVA community 

معرفی Ember
Scaffolding در ASP.NET Core

In this post we are going to explore how to create model based on existing database (Db-First), with the help of Entityframework Core Command then learn how to generate Controller & Views using Scaffolding (Interface & Code-Generator Command) based on model. 

Scaffolding در ASP.NET Core