برنامه نویسی GPU درون مرورگرها به کمک turbo.js

turbo.js is a small library that makes it easier to perform complex calculations that can be done in parallel. The actual calculation performed (the kernel executed) uses the GPU for execution. This enables you to work on an array of values all at once.

turbo.js is compatible with all browsers (even IE when not using ES6 template strings) and most desktop and mobile GPUs. 

برنامه نویسی GPU درون مرورگرها به کمک turbo.js
انتخاب ساختار داده مناسب در حل مشکلات

Data structure is a particular way of organizing data in a computer. The developer must choose the appropriate data structure for better performance. If the developer chooses bad data structure, the system does not perform well. This article explains the each data structure advantages and usage. 

انتخاب ساختار داده مناسب در حل مشکلات
تغییرات Web API در دات نت 8

Preview 3 of .NET 8 includes a new project templates to create an API with a TODO service instead of the weather forecast . Looking into the generated code of this template, there are a lot more changes going on such as a slim builder and using a JSON source generator which helps when using AOT to create native .NET binaries. This article looks into the changes coming. 

تغییرات Web API در دات نت 8
کتابخانه DoFilter

DoFilter is a Full Responsive Bootstrap Multipurpose Filtering and Shorting plugin built on Latest Version of Bootstrap Framework (v3.3.7), HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. Its wonderful features can be used to Filtering and Shorting your website content as like Portfolio, Service, Team, Blog, Products, Pricing, FAQ etc. Also you can customize it for Filtering and Shorting any your website content.

DoFilter is a Full Responsive Isotope Multipurpose Filtering and Shorting plugin. Filtering can hide and show item elements with the filter option. Items that match that filter will be shown. DoFilter Responsive Isotope Multipurpose Filtering and Shorting can rearrange the order of item elements based on their data. Items that do not match will be hidden.

There are 19+ filter styles with 100% responsive design. Indeed, you will be able to showcase your content on mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. It has many features like CSS3 and jQuery animations, single and multiple Shorting and Filtering. All the codes are clean and well organized. Also have proper help documentation. It looks great with all types of devices. 

کتابخانه DoFilter
مسیر راه ASP.NET Core 2.1

The following high-level features are planned for the ASP.NET Core 2.1 release:

SignalR - Real-time web framework on ASP.NET Core (aspnet/SignalR#394)
HTTPS - On by default and easy to configure (aspnet/Home#2308)
GDPR compliance - Templates updated with new privacy features (aspnet/Security#1561, aspnet/Identity#1341)
Web API conventions - Rich Swagger support without attributes (aspnet/Mvc#6870, aspnet/Mvc#6784)
IHttpClientFactory - HttpClient as a service, handle cross-cutting concerns like caching, retry logic, timeouts and circuit breakers (aspnet/HttpClientFactory#42)
ASP.NET Core Module in-proc hosting - 6x the throughput on IIS! Better startup error handling (aspnet/AspNetCoreModule#265)
Razor pages improvements - Support for areas, ~/Pages/Shared (aspnet/Mvc#6926, aspnet/Mvc#7193)
MVC functional test fixture - Easily test your MVC apps end-to-end (aspnet/Mvc#6233)
Build-time Razor - Compile Razor pages and views as part of your build, improved startup performance (aspnet/Razor#1809)
UI as a library - Package Razor pages and views as reusable libraries (aspnet/Razor#1809)
Identity UI package and scaffolder - Add identity to any application (aspnet/Home#2311)
WebHooks - Handle WebHook notifications from ASP.NET Core apps (aspnet/WebHooks#5)

مسیر راه ASP.NET Core 2.1
سری ساخت یک Angular Dashboard با NET Core.

.NET Core + Angular Dashboard

Topics Covered:
- Building a dashboard application in Angular
- Building a Web API in .NET Core 2.0
- Using Chart.js to build stunning charts of different types
- Making HTTP requests using Angular to query a Web API
- Using Postman to send requests
- Working with Observables
- Using Input and Output decorators in Angular
- Using PostgreSQL and pgAdmin
- Automatically seeding a database with large amounts of sample data
- Styling an application using custom CSS and Bootstrap 4
- Using Map, Filter, and Reduce in Javascript
- Creating Routes in Angular
- Get, Put, Post, Patch Web API Controller Action request types
- Configuring your API for CORS

سری ساخت یک Angular Dashboard با NET Core.
راهنمای قدم به قدم و ایجاد Monorepo برای React Native با استفاده از Nx

Do you want to have both mobile and web apps in the same repo? Do you wish that you could share code between mobile and web apps? This blog post shows you how to create a React Native mobile app and a React web app in the same repo with shared libraries using Nx

راهنمای قدم به قدم و ایجاد Monorepo برای React Native با استفاده از Nx