راهنمای Net Core.

.NET Core is a set of runtime, library and compiler components. Microsoft uses these components in various configurations for device and cloud workloads. You can do the same for your app or service. 

راهنمای Net Core.
بایدها و نبایدهای نمایش بصری اطلاعات

Don’t use a chart when a sentence will do
Don’t go overboard with the vibrant colors
Don’t chop off the bottom of your bar charts
Don’t use two lines when one will do
Don’t use a stacked area chart when you want to show individual components accurately
Don’t forget about your users with color vision deficiencies
Don’t obscure the data

بایدها و نبایدهای نمایش بصری اطلاعات
هرآنچه باید درباره Google Search Console بدانید
One of the first things you should do after launching a website is create a Google Search Console account. Why? Because it helps you understand how Google crawls, analyses and indexes your website. It’s a great tool to help you discover problems which might hurt your rankings or user experience.
هرآنچه باید درباره Google Search Console بدانید
نظرات مطالب
بازنویسی ساده‌تر پیش فرض‌های EF Code first در نگارش 6 آن
من با EF6 از
استفاده کردم ولی خطای زیر رو میگیرم:
You cannot use Ignore method on the property 'IsDeleted' on type 'MyEntity' 
because this type inherits from the type 'BaseEntity' where this property is mapped.
To exclude this property from your model, use NotMappedAttribute or Ignore method on the base type.
کتابخانه amplitudejs
A JavaScript library that allows you to control the design of your media controls in your webpage -- not the browser. No dependencies (jQuery not required) Demo
کتابخانه amplitudejs
کتابخانه jquery.enhsplitter
jquery.enhsplitter is a plugin to generate sliding splitters on your page. Useful for separating content, emulating the look of frames, collapsable tool windows, and more. Completely customizable look and feel, and touchscreen friendly.  Demo
کتابخانه jquery.enhsplitter
کتابخانه Polyglot-Language-Switcher-2
Polyglot Language Switcher is a JavaScript component which allows you to display a popup with the languages supported by your website.
This component has 3 implementations:
  1. jQuery Plugin
  2. AngularJS Directive
  3. ReactJS Component

Information about its usage and configuration can be found here  Demo

کتابخانه Polyglot-Language-Switcher-2