کتابخانه stickyElements

npm install stickyelements and insert dist/stickyelements-animate.js (or build your own bundle using src files)

Then, stick elements!  Demo

stickyElements('.item', {
  stickiness: 5,
  duration: 450
کتابخانه stickyElements
پیاده سازی یک پروژه مدیریت رزومه‌ها با React18 و ASP.NET Core7 WebAPI

Resume Management project with React18, ASP.NET Core7 WebAPI, TypeScript and Entity Framework Core
In this video, we will create a Fullstack Resume Management project using React18, ASP.NET Core WebAPI  (.NET 7),TypeScript and Entity Framework Core. The focus of this project is to show you how you can build a Fullstack project from 0 to 100 and build a simple CRUD application with ASP.NET Core WebAPI .

پیاده سازی یک پروژه مدیریت رزومه‌ها با React18 و ASP.NET Core7 WebAPI
پیاده سازی یک پروژه با React18 و ASP.NET Core7 WebAPI

Pet Store Fullstack project with React18, ASP.NET Core7 WebAPI, TypeScript and Entity Framework Core
In this video, we will create a Fullstack Pet Store project using React18, ASP.NET Core WebAPI  (.NET 7),TypeScript and Entity Framework Core. The focus of this project is to show you how you can build a Fullstack project from 0 to 100 and build a simple CRUD application with ASP.NET Core WebAPI . 

پیاده سازی یک پروژه با React18 و ASP.NET Core7 WebAPI
#C به عنوان یک زبان سیستمی

When you think about C#, you'll usually think about a high-level language, one that is utilized to build websites, APIs, and desktop applications. However, from its inception, C# had the foundation to be used as a system language, with facilities that allow you direct memory access and fine-grained control over memory and execution.

#C به عنوان یک زبان سیستمی
معرفی ویژگی Hot Reload در .NET 6.0.

With .NET 6 Preview 3, you can use hot reloading with your ASP.NET Core apps. Hot reloading supercharges your productivity and allows you to see your changes in real-time. 

معرفی ویژگی Hot Reload در .NET 6.0.
همکاری با DevComponents در زمینه تولید کامپوننت!

سال‌هاست که از کامپوننت‌های DevComponents در کارهای خودم استفاده می‌کنم. شاید شما هم از طرفداران این کامپوننت‌ها باشید چرا که در بین شرکت‌های موجود، ارائه کیفیت در عین حفظ کمترین تعداد dllها از ویژگی‌های بارز DevComponents محسوب می‌شود.
در حالیکه برای بررسی نخسه‌های آخر سری به وب‌سایت و بعد وبلاگشون زدم، متوجه شدم که DevComponents علاقمند به همکاری با برنامه‌نویسان و طراحان از سرتاسر دنیاست. متن آغازین این همکاری برام خیلی جالب بود:

"There are three kinds of people in this world: Those who make things happen; those who watch things happen; and those who just wonder what a heck happened? "

خلاصه اگر به دسته اول تعلق دارید، می‌توانید از این فرصت بهره‌مند شوید. تنها چیزی که به آن احتیاج دارید بستر اینترنت خوب برای برقراری ارتباط می‌باشد.

You can be located anywhere in the world as long as you have internet connection. You can work any hours you want as long as work gets done. You have freedom and control over your working hours. All we ask for is that things get done. You will also get responsibility of supporting whatever you develop since we believe that is the best way to understand what our customers need. 

همکاری با DevComponents در زمینه تولید کامپوننت!
سفر به Angular بخش اول

In the eighteen years that I’ve been doing Web development, a lot has changed. We started out creating HTML pages to present static information to our users. We then used classic ASP to get database data and incorporate that into our pages. To use both of these technologies, we had to know a lot about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Along came .NET and we started rendering everything on the server-side. We forgot a lot about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as Web Forms wrapped up a lot of that for us. Web Forms’ architecture closely mimicked the way developers created desktop applications. This was great for helping developers move to the Web, but unfortunately hid a lot of the power of the Web, and also tended to be a little slow. 

سفر به Angular بخش اول
رفع مشکلات Web APIهای منتقل شده به ASP.NET Core در Linux

Some key areas of focus uncovered by this investigation were:

  • Being mindful of memory allocations to minimize GC pause times

  • Keeping long-running calls non-blocking/asynchronous

  • Minimizing calls to external resources (such as other web services or the database) with caching and grouping of requests 

رفع مشکلات Web APIهای منتقل شده به ASP.NET Core در Linux
معرفی Xamarin.Forms 4.0

Xamarin.Forms 4.0 is here with an array of new features and capabilities to help you create amazing, multi-experience apps that perform efficiently and look great. Xamarin.Forms 4.0.0 also introduces Shell—a simplified, navigation-aware container that makes it easier to build mobile applications. The upgrade path to 4.0 and Shell is also designed to be as simple as possible. Finally, the latest release adds extended support for faster renderers and a unified image source feature to help you create better apps for your users. 

معرفی Xamarin.Forms 4.0