بررسی اعتبارسنجی بدون پسورد استاندارد WebAuthn

Phishing can happen to anyone, and hackers know that. What could happen if someone compromised your git repo? How about your email? FIDO security keys are awesome at preventing phishing. This talk explains how they work, how they can protect you, and what you can implement to protect your users. 

بررسی اعتبارسنجی بدون پسورد استاندارد WebAuthn
نظرات مطالب
ASP.NET Web API - قسمت اول

هدف مایکروسافت از یکپارچه کردن WEB API با ASP.NET و خصوصا MVC ارائه یک سری Super ActionResult است بجای ActionResultهای معمولی MVC3. برای نمونه:

Using Kendo UI grid with Web API and OData

FastEndpoints؛ جایگزینی دیگر برای Minimal APIs در دات نت 6

FastEndpoints offers a more elegant solution than the Minimal APIs and MVC Controllers with the goal of increasing developer productivity. Performance is on par with the Minimal APIs and is faster; uses less memory; and outperforms a MVC Controller by about 34k requests per second on a Ryzen 3700X desktop. 

FastEndpoints؛ جایگزینی دیگر برای Minimal APIs در دات نت 6
نظرات مطالب
NuGet 2.0 منتشر شد
درهر حالتی اگه شما بخواین نسخه ای از نوگت رو به روز رسانی بکنین یکسری خطاهایی ممکنه به وجود بیاد. البته ظاهرا این مشکل نوگت نیست (^ و ^) بلکه به یه ایرادهای خاص در Visual Studio Extension manager بر میگرده (^ و ^) : Hotfix و یا این مورد:

Attempting to install or uninstall results in the error "Cannot create a file when that file already exists.”
For some reason, Visual Studio extensions can get in a weird state where you've uninstalled the VSIX extension, but some files were left behind. To work around this issue:

1. Exit Visual Studio
2. Open the following folder (it might be on a different drive on your machine)
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft Corporation\NuGet Package Manager\<version>\
3. Delete all the files with the .deleteme extensions.
4. Re-open Visual Studio
After following these steps, you should be able to continue.

دوره ساخت قدم به قدم یک برنامه‌ی NET MAUI.

In this video we perform a full step by step build of a .NET MAUI App that we test on both Windows and Android. The app interacts with a separate .NET 6 API that we also build step by step.

Level: Beginner

⏲️ Time Codes ⏲️


- 0:48 Welcome
- 03:13 App demo
- 06:07 Course overview
- 09:14 Ingedients
- 10:10 What is .NET MAUI?
- 12:48 How MAUI works
- 15:14 MAUI project anatomy
- 19:47 MAUI App start up sequence
- 22:29 UI Conepts
- 28:21 XAML vs C#
- 30:29 Solution Architecture
- 31:41 Application Architecture

API Build

- 35:31 API Project Set up
- 42:41 API Model definition
- 44:47 API Db Context
- 47:13 Connection String
- 52:19 Migrations
- 56:31 API Read Endpoint
- 1:01:58 API Create Endpoint
- 1:08:15 API Update Endpoint
- 1:12:57 API Delete Endpoint

MAUI App Build

- 1:17:21 MAUI App Project Set up
- 1:21:00 Android Device Manager
- 1:25:08 MAUI Model definition
- 1:31:16 Data Service Interface
- 1:35:40 Data Service Implementation
- 1:47:27 Data Service Read Method
- 1:53:34 Data Service Create Method
- 1:58:48 Data Service Delete Method
- 2:01:53 Data Service Update Method
- 2:05:41 Android environment config
- 2:11:00 Architecture check point
- 2:11:54 Register MainPage for DI
- 2:14:13 MainPage code-behind
- 2:21:03 MainPage XAML Layout
- 2:30:19 Re-work MainPage layout
- 2:35:12 Add another page (ManagePage)
- 2:38:01 Adding a Route
- 2:30:01 Regiter ManagePage for DI
- 2:40:29 Complete MainPage code-behind
- 2:45:12 ManagePage code-behind
- 2:51:16 QueryProperty
- 2:57:34 ManagePage XMAL
- 3:07:56 Run on Windows
- 3:09:30 Re-work ManagePage layout
- 3:16:26 Using HttpClientFactory


- 3:21:02 Wrap up and thanks
- 3:21:31 Supporter Credits 

دوره ساخت قدم به قدم یک برنامه‌ی NET MAUI.
نظرات مطالب
ارتقاء به ASP.NET Core 1.0 - قسمت 6 - سرویس‌ها و تزریق وابستگی‌ها
هستند یکسری پروژه‌ی افزونه پذیر برای ASP.NET Core که این مفاهیم را پیاده سازی کرده‌اند (و وابستگی به StructureMap هم ندارند):
ExtCore - Free, open source and cross-platform framework for creating modular and extendable web applications based on ASP.NET Core
SimplCommerce - A super simple, cross platform, modularized ecommerce system built on .NET Core
Modular Web Application with ASP.NET Core
Orchard vNext - Orchard 2 is a re-implementation of Orchard CMS in ASP.NET Core
نظرات مطالب
ارتقاء به ASP.NET Core 1.0 - قسمت 13 - معرفی View Components
ExtCore - Free, open source and cross-platform framework for creating modular and extendable web applications based on ASP.NET Core
SimplCommerce - A super simple, cross platform, modularized ecommerce system built on .NET Core
Modular Web Application with ASP.NET Core
Orchard vNext - Orchard 2 is a re-implementation of Orchard CMS in ASP.NET Core
انتشار nopCommerce 3.70

Meet the new version of the leading eCommerce solution. Today we are ending one more six month cycle with the release of nopCommerce 3.70. We made a big step to the ideal eCommerce platform with the latest version of nopCommerce. This time we pursued general scalability by close integration with world-famous Azure and implemented some changes desired by store-owners and required by the newest SEO trends.  

انتشار nopCommerce 3.70
استفاده از Web Worker ها در AngularJs

Using Web Workers, we can run JavaScript processes concurrently (or at least, as close to concurrently as this language allows). The primary benefit of this approach is to handle the manipulation of data in background threads without interfering with the user-interface. 

استفاده از Web Worker ها در AngularJs