ارائه‌ی یک نگارش مستقل از Visual Basic.NET توسط RemObjects

Mercury is currently 99.9% compatible with Visual Basic.NET, and already adds a wide range of language extensions and support for C# 9.0 features that will make the VB developers lives easier. The extras include support for pointers and unsafe code, lazy properties, and C# 9's new records. 

ارائه‌ی یک نگارش مستقل از Visual Basic.NET توسط RemObjects
پیکره بندی JSon در ASP.NET Core MVC

Structured data in earlier versions of ASP.NET meant creating and registering custom types and configuration sections for our applications. In ASP.NET Core and in Core MVC, structured configuration is a breeze with support for JSON documents as the storage mechanism and the ability to flatten hierarchies into highly portable keys.


پیکره بندی JSon در ASP.NET Core MVC
دوره 11 ساعته ساخت یک برنامه‌ی مدیریت اموال با Blazor

Full C# Project: Inventory Management System | ASP.NET Core Blazor, EF Core, SQL Server, Identity - YouTube 

00:00:00 Project Demo (ASP.Net Core Blazor Server)
00:05:26 View Inventories
00:14:29 Add Entity Framework Core
00:27:16 View Inventory Use Case
00:36:35 View Inventory Component (Blazor Component)
00:58:04 View Inventory Page
01:08:18 Adding new Inventory
01:34:46 Edit Inventory
02:10:26 View Products Use Case
02:45:52 Search Inventory Component
03:05:50 Add Product
03:52:39 Refactor Product Inventories
04:16:51 Validate Product Price
04:49:14 Edit Product
05:23:34 Delete Product
05:47:48 Purchase Inventory
07:07:40 Produce Products
07:36:29 UI of Producing Products
08:16:05 Sell Product
08:46:36 Inventory Transaction Report
09:43:48 Product Transaction Report
10:10:10 Print Reports
10:19:56 Switch to SQL Server
10:51:30 Add Authentication and Authorization with ASP.NET Core Identity
10:59:57 Look and Feel with Bootstrap 5 

دوره 11 ساعته ساخت یک برنامه‌ی مدیریت اموال با Blazor
جاوا اسکریپت، اجکس، جی کوئری، انگیولار و نود چیستند و کاربرد هر کدام چیست؟


JavaScript is a language written for websites to run in the client’s browser.

AJAX is a way for JavaScript to request data from a server without refreshing the page or blocking the application.

jQuery is a JavaScript library built to automate and simplify common web tasks like AJAX or animation.

Angular is a hip JavaScript framework which is made for building large, single-page web applications.

Node.js allows JavaScript to be run without a browser, and is commonly used to run web servers. 

جاوا اسکریپت، اجکس، جی کوئری، انگیولار و نود چیستند و کاربرد هر کدام چیست؟
نظرات مطالب
آشنایی با Refactoring - قسمت 3
سلام ، 
این Receipt در Project.Domain قرار می‌گیرد ؟ در واقع همان موجودیت ما هست ؟ 
من تصور می‌کردم همه‌ی منطق تجاری را باید در Service Layer پیاده سازی کرد ، اما در بعضی سورس‌ها و چارچوب‌ها (مثل sharp-lite ) دیدم که متد‌های محاسباتی مثل مجموع هزینه‌های مربوط یه یک سفارش را در همان موجودیت قرار می‌دهند : 
    public class OrderLineItem : Entity
        /// <summary>
        /// many-to-one from OrderLineItem to Order
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Order Order { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Money is a component, not a separate entity; i.e., the OrderLineItems table will have 
        /// column for the amount
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Money Price { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// many-to-one from OrderLineItem to Product
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Product Product { get; set; }
        public virtual int Quantity { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Example of adding domain business logic to entity
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Money GetTotal() {
            return new Money(Price.Amount * Quantity);
ممنون می‌شم قدری در این باره توضیح بدید.   
NET 7 Preview 5. منتشر شد

Today we released .NET 7 Preview 5. This preview of .NET 7 includes improvements to Generic Math which make the lives of API authors easier, a new Text Classification API for ML.NET that adds state-of-the-art deep learning techniques for natural language processing, various improvements to source code generators and a new Roslyn analyzer and fixer for RegexGenerator and multiple performance improvements in the areas of CodeGen, Observability, JSON serialization / deserialization and working with streams. 

NET 7 Preview 5. منتشر شد
PowerShell 7.3 منتشر شد

PowerShell 7.3 is built on top of .NET 7 and as a non-LTS (Long Term Support) release will be supported for 18 months. PowerShell 7.2 is still the current LTS (3-year supported) release of PowerShell. 

PowerShell 7.3 منتشر شد
دریافت خودکار پیامک کد تایید اعتبارسنجی با WebOTP API

The current process creates friction for users. Finding an OTP within an SMS message, then copying and pasting it to the form is cumbersome, lowering conversion rates in critical user journeys. Easing this has been a long standing request for the web from many of the largest global developers. Android has an API that does exactly this. So does iOS and Safari 

دریافت خودکار پیامک کد تایید اعتبارسنجی با WebOTP API
گوگل مجددا قابلیت خواندن و پیگیری فیدهای RSS را به کروم اضافه می‌کند

Chrome, at least in its experimental Canary version on Android (and only for users in the U.S.), is getting an interesting update in the coming weeks that brings back RSS, the once-popular format for getting updates from all the sites you love in Google Reader and similar services. 

گوگل مجددا قابلیت خواندن و پیگیری فیدهای RSS را به کروم اضافه می‌کند
IdentityServer4 v2 منتشر شد

Wow – this was probably our biggest update ever! Version 2.0 of IdentityServer4 is not only incorporating all the feedback we got over the last year, it also includes the necessary updates for ASP.NET Core 2 – and also has a couple of brand new features. See the release notes for a complete list as well as links to issues and PRs. 

IdentityServer4 v2 منتشر شد