درک بهتر this در JavaScript

A lot of time this keyword was a mystery for me and many starting JavaScript developers. It is a
powerful feature, but requires efforts to be understood

درک بهتر this در JavaScript
کتابخانه‌ی ngx-persian

A full featured tool set for Persian Applications Created by Angular (v > 2) containing Pipes, Services, Directives and javascript Similar Date object for working with Jalali Date. 

کتابخانه‌ی ngx-persian
نگاهی دیگر به آمار بررسی وضعیت جاوا اسکریپت در سال 2017

Insight #1: React is here to stay
Insight #2: Angular is shifting to a new role --> enterprise apps
Insight #3: You can’t ignore Vue.js anymore
Insight #4: Knowledge of some libraries will help you earn more (but not for the reasons you might think)
Insight #5: 2018 will be the year of GraphQL
Insight #6: JavaScript != Front-end
Insight #7: Microsoft is striking back
Insight #8: JavaScript is different around the world
Insight #9: Typed JavaScript is on the rise
Insight #10: JavaScript is whatever you want it to be

نگاهی دیگر به آمار بررسی وضعیت جاوا اسکریپت در سال 2017
تبدیل کدهای JavaScript به فلوچارت
js2flowchart - a visualization library to convert any JavaScript code into beautiful SVG flowchart. Learn other’s code. Design your code. Refactor code. Document code. Explain code.
تبدیل کدهای JavaScript به فلوچارت