Unit Testing در AngularJS

JavaScript is a dynamically typed language which comes with great power of expression, but it also comes with almost no help from the compiler. For this reason we feel very strongly that any code written in JavaScript needs to come with a strong set of tests. We have built many features into Angular which make testing your Angular applications easy. With Angular, there is no excuse for not testing. 

Unit Testing در AngularJS
الگوی MVVM - تمرین

Let’s continue our journey to learn the MVVM pattern, applied to Universal Windows apps development. After we’ve learned the basic concepts in the previous post, now it’s time to start writing some code. As already mentioned in the previous post, we’re going to leverage MVVM Light as toolkit to help us implementing the pattern: since it’s the most flexible and simple to use, it will be easier to understand and apply the basic concepts we’ve learned so far.  

الگوی MVVM - تمرین
معرفی Ember

Would you like help creating single-page applications (SPAs)? Maybe you've worked with tools like jQuery and AJAX, but what about Ember? With a simple syntax and an emphasis on reuse and components, this JavaScript framework can make it very easy to create interactive pages. Get a close look at Ember, plus lots of demos and practical tips with popular experts Adam Tuliper and Christopher Harrison, in this three-hour event for the MVA community 

معرفی Ember
نگاهی سریع به فریم ورک های MVVM

One year ago MVVM wasn’t very famous. I remember the first article I read about it, about using MVVM to simplify the management of treeview controls. In the last six months, MVVM has been quickly promoted to THE methodology to use when developing WPF applications. During this amount of time, famous WPF developers started to merge their existing MVVM classes into libraries. Those libraries are now known as MVVM frameworks and contain classes designed to help developers to use MVVM in their projects 

نگاهی سریع به فریم ورک های MVVM
ده گام برای امنیت نرم افزار

OWASP’s Top 10 Risk List is an important tool for security engineers and compliance analysts. It describes the 10 worst security problems that are found in web and mobile applications today. But, on its own, it’s not much help to developers, so OWASP has come up with a list of 10 things that you can do as a developer to make sure that your code is safe and secure. 

ده گام برای امنیت نرم افزار
7 نکته برای حفظ سلامتی برنامه نویس‌ها
You don't know what you have until you lose it. We all know what it means, but we often forget that it also applies to our health. In no way is this article intended to lecture you or make you feel guilty about your lifestyle. With this article, I simply want to share a few tips that can help you stay healthy as a programmer.
7 نکته برای حفظ سلامتی برنامه نویس‌ها
کتابخانه instafetch
instafetch fetches media from Instagram based on (and only on) the user and/or tag, relying on the Instagram API.

If you use the Instagram API to make a call, you will only get 33 results back, no matter what you specify in the count paramter. Instafetch will help you fetch more media than the limit imposes, in exchange for more API calls, which can count against your hourly limit.  Demo
کتابخانه instafetch
9 کتابخانه جاوااسکریپتی جهت ایجاد نمودار
 So you have in your hand tons of data, with a number of variables, that you have to somehow relay to somebody else. Raw, unorganized data is going to be difficult for them to understand. This is why you need help from charts. In web design, charts are one of the best tools for data visualization. It is easy to read, easy on the eyes and relatively easy to set up. 
9 کتابخانه جاوااسکریپتی جهت ایجاد نمودار
تهیه Qr-Code
یکی از مواردی که به تازگی مرسوم شده است استفاده از QR-Code‌ها است ، گاهی لازم میشود در سایتهایی که به عنوان فروشگاه طراحی میگردند برای کالاها بارکد مشخصی طراحی کرد  و یا گاهی لازم است کاربر را بدون مجبور کردن به تایپ مورد خاص به موقعیت جدید از طریق گوشی موبال هدایت کرد و یا اینکه گاهی لازم میشود نرم افزار و یا فایلی را در گوش و یا browser  شخصی آپلود کنید ، بهترین روش استفاده از این نوع کد خواهد بود .api  اصلی این برنامه در وب سایت گوگل است البته با توجه به عدم دسترسی ساده به این api تعدادی از سایتهای ایرانی و خارجی این سرویس را ارائه میدهند 

با استفاده از ارسال پارامترها میتوانید این عکس و یا همان کد را  تغییر دهید .
این دو سایت امکانت ساده و کاملی در این خصوص ارائه میدهند.
تهیه Qr-Code
نظرات مطالب
راه اندازی StimulSoft Report در ASP.NET MVC
در سمت سرور کلاس‌هایی به صورت زیر می‌توانید داشته باشید:
public class PlanModel
    public int RId { get; set; }
    public string Day { get; set; }
    public string Plan { get; set; }
    public List<RecordModel> Records { get; set; }

public class RecordModel
    public int RId { get; set; }
    public string Help { get; set; }
که لیستی از PlanModel پس از فراهم کردن اطلاعاتش،  به گزارش ارسال می‌کنید.
در فایل mrt گزارش خود نیز در قسمت Business Objects دو Business Object تولید می‌کنید، که مدل دوم (از نوع RecordModel) به عنوان فرزند مدل اول (از نوع PlanModel) است.

برای نمایش اطلاعات این دو مدل هم، به دو Data band احتیاج دارید.

 نکته‌ای که در اینجا مهم است باید پراپرتی Master Component، بند دوم برابر بند اول مقداردهی شود.
نمونه فایل: MultiBusinessObject.mrt