چرا SQL در حال شکست NoSQL است؟

SQL is back. Not just because writing glue code to kludge together NoSQL tools is annoying. Not just because retraining workforces to learn a myriad of new languages is hard. Not just because standards can be a good thing.

But also because the world is filled with data. It surrounds us, binds us. At first, we relied on our human senses and sensory nervous systems to process it. Now our software and hardware systems are also getting smart enough to help us. And as we collect more and more data to make better sense of our world, the complexity of our systems to store, process, analyze, and visualize that data will only continue to grow as well. 

چرا SQL در حال شکست NoSQL است؟
9 نکته برای نوشتن برنامه های امن asp.net mvc

Security is one of the most important aspects of any application – and when we talk about security, particularly in ASP.NET applications, it is not limited to development. A secure app involves multiple layers of security in the configuration, framework, web server, database server, and more. In this post, we’ll take a look at the top nine tips for writing secure applications in ASP.NET. 

9 نکته برای نوشتن برنامه های امن asp.net mvc
مواردی که باید درباره Visual Studio Online account باید بدانید
With Visual Studio Online, I realized I have not installed an On-premise Team Foundation Server in a while.  The convenience of these online accounts always being available, having the server automatically upgraded, and of course access to services such as Cloud Load Test, Hosted Build and Application Insights takes it from an incredible inconvenience to a must have
مواردی که باید درباره Visual Studio Online account باید بدانید
50 پرس و جوی مهم در SQL Server

In this article I will explain some general purpose queries. I think each developer should have knowledge of these queries. These queries are not related to any specific topic of SQL. But knowledge of such queries can solve some complex tasks and may be used in many scenarios, so I decided to write an article on these queries. 

50  پرس و جوی مهم در SQL Server
23.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد

Issues Fixed in 15.9.23

  • Fixed C++ compiler bug for proper folding of inline variable dynamic initializers. Ported from the VS 2019 16.0 release.
  • Security improvements in vctip.exe.
  • A change to enable Enterprise IT administrators and deployment engineers to configure tools like Microsoft Update client & SCCM to determine applicability of VS2017 updates hosted on Microsoft Update Catalog & WSUS.

Security Advisory Notices

23.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد
کتابخانه At.js
Add Github like mentions autocomplete to your application.  Demo
  • Support IE 7+ for textarea.
  • Supports HTML5 contentEditable elements (NOT including IE 8)
  • Can listen to any character and not just '@'. Can set up multiple listeners for different characters with different behavior and data
  • Listener events can be bound to multiple inputors.
  • Format returned data using templates
  • Keyboard controls in addition to mouse
    • Tab or Enter keys select the value
    • Up and Down navigate between values (and Ctrl-P and Ctrl-N also)
    • Right and left will re-search the keyword.
  • Custom data handlers and template renderers using a group of configurable callbacks
  • Supports AMD
کتابخانه At.js
نوشتن متد های با معنی و خوانا در #C - نام گذاری های با معنی

We developers spend lot of our time reading code. We read code so that we know how to change it to implement a new feature, fix a bug, etc. It is much better to work in a code base where code is easy to read and understand.

One thing that can make code readable is good naming. Giving variables, classes, and methods good names makes code easier to read. 

نوشتن متد های  با معنی و خوانا در #C - نام گذاری های با معنی
بررسی C# Object Notation

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a subset of the JavaScript language used for the definition and exchange of data. While I’m not proposing that we create a similar standard using C#, I do want to illustrate some of the rich object initialization syntax of the language.

بررسی C# Object Notation
زبان Rust در حال از هم پاشیدن است!

While Rust has earned a dedicated following, it's not without its fair share of controversies and problems. In this video I'll talk about the negative response and backlash from the Rust community in the wake of the most recent controversy, its connections to past incidents, and give my personal thoughts.  

زبان Rust در حال از هم پاشیدن است!
5 نکته که بعنوان توسعه دهنده برنامه های وب باید بررسی کرد

Every day millions of users are commuting on the electronic highway. For you as a web developer you want to ensure that your website is adapted to the needs of the modern user and that you're not putting up road blocks, forcing users to take side roads.

Using modern web standards you can remove these road blocks and optimise your website to accommodate all users regardless of the browser they're using. 

5 نکته که بعنوان توسعه دهنده برنامه های وب باید بررسی کرد