5 نکته که بعنوان توسعه دهنده برنامه های وب باید بررسی کرد
301, MovedPermanently
https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/BeLux-Developer/Riding-the-Modern-Web-5-things-to-consider-as-a-web-developer?wt.mc_id=DX_12902&MC=MSAzure&MC=VStudio&MC=WebDev&MC=SQL icon

Every day millions of users are commuting on the electronic highway. For you as a web developer you want to ensure that your website is adapted to the needs of the modern user and that you're not putting up road blocks, forcing users to take side roads.

Using modern web standards you can remove these road blocks and optimise your website to accommodate all users regardless of the browser they're using. 

5 نکته که بعنوان توسعه دهنده برنامه های وب باید بررسی کرد