آینده #C به نقل از طراحان آن

The future of C#
Over the last year we shipped no less than three "point releases" of C# (7.1, 7.2 and 7.3), full of small but useful language features. Mads and Dustin will race you through a tour of these, before turning to some of the big things we have in store for the future: Nullable reference types, recursive patterns, asynchronous streams and more. 

آینده #C به نقل از طراحان آن
مشخصات محتوایی که به بهبود SEO کمک می‌کند

How does a developer find a new tool to add to their stack? There’s no single answer, but most will tell you that technical content is part of that journey. Certainly, documentation is crucial to developer experience. But more often than not, the first piece of content they’ll discover is a helpful resource returned as search results or shared from another dev. Your goal is simple: be that resource.

مشخصات محتوایی که به بهبود SEO کمک می‌کند
غروب StructureMap

I haven’t really been hiding this, but I apparently need to be more clear that I do not intend to do any further development work on StructureMap other than trying to keep up with pull requests and bugs that have no workaround.  

غروب StructureMap
مفاهیم و اصول OOP
یک سری پنج قسمتی ...
This article will cover almost every OOPS concept that a novice/beginner developer may hunt for, and not only beginners, the article’s purpose is to be helpful to experienced professionals who may need to brush-up on their concepts or who prepare for interviews. 
مفاهیم و اصول OOP
نظرات مطالب
سیلورلایت 5 و تاریخ شمسی
با سلام و تشکر
جناب نصیری این مورد رو هم قبلا چک کردم که با پیغام خطای زیر مواجه شدم
Silverlight does not enable you to directly enumerate over a data service query.
This is because enumeration automatically send a synchronous request to the data service.
Because Silverlight only supports  asynchronous operations, you must instead call BeginExecute and EndExecute method to obtain a query result that supports enumeration. 
یک Business Apps ساخته شده با Asp.net Core Mvc و , TypeScript

یک CMS تجاری بزرگ با قابلیت‌های زیر

A modular, service based web application model
Code generator to produce initial services / user interface code for an SQL table
T4 based code generation on server to reference script widgets with intellisense / compile time validation
T4 based code generation to provide compile time type safety and intellisense while calling AJAX services from script side.
An attribute based form definition system (prepare UI in server side with a simple C# class)
Automatic seamless data-binding through form definitions (form <-> entity <-> service).
Caching Helpers (Local / Distributed)
Automatic cache validation
Configuration System (storage medium independent. store settings in database, file, whatever...)
Simple Logging
Reporting (reports just provide data, has no dependency on rendering, similar to MVC)
Script bundling, minification (making use of Node / UglifyJS / CleanCSS) and content versioning (no more F5 / clear browser cache)
Micro ORM (also Dapper is integrated)
Customizable handlers for REST like services that work by reusing information in entity classes and do automatic validation.
Attribute based navigation menu
UI Localization (store localized texts in json files, embedded resource, database, in memory class, anywhere)
Data Localization (using an extension table mechanism helps to localize even data entered by users, like lookup tables)
Script widget system (inspired by jQueryUI but more suitable for C# code)
Client side and server side validation (based on jQuery validate plugin, but abstracts dependency)
Audit logging (where CDC is not available)
System for data based integration tests
Dynamic scripts
Script side templates 
یک Business Apps ساخته شده با Asp.net Core Mvc و , TypeScript
15.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد

These are the issues addressed in 15.9.15:

Security Advisory Notices

15.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد
نظرات مطالب
Globalization در ASP.NET MVC
سلام مهندس یوسف نژاد (ابتدا ممنونم از پست خوب شما)
با پیروی از پست شما
ابتدا فایل‌های ریسورس در پروژه جاری فولدر App_GlobalResources گذاشتم و پروژه در صفحات aspx با قالب زیر به راحتی تغییر زبان داده میشد:

<asp:Literal ID="Literal1" Text='<%$ Resources:resource, Title %>' runat="server" />
اما بعدش فایل هارو توی یک پروژه کتابخانه ای جدید گذاشتم و Build Action فایل‌های ریسورس روی Embedded Resource  تنظیم کردم، پروژه با موفقیت اجرا شد و در سمت سرور با کد زیر راحت به مقادیر دسترسی دارم:
اما در سمت صفحات aspx با کد قبلی به شکل زیر نمایش نمیده و خطا صادر میشه:
<asp:Literal ID="Literal1"  runat="server" Text='<%$ ResourcesManager.Resource:resource, Title %>'/>

و خطای زیر صادر میشه:
 Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: The expression prefix 'ResourcesManager.Resource' was not recognized.  Please correct the prefix or register the prefix in the <expressionBuilders> section of configuration.

Source Error:
مراحل این پست روی هم دنبال کردم اما بازم نشد.
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