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EF Code First #9
 public class Person:BaseEntity
        public int PersonId { get; set; }        
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public PersonType PersonType { get; set; }
        public virtual ICollection<PrivacyPolicy> PrivacyPolicies { get; set; }

        public override string ToString()
            return Title;
کلاس دوم
    public class Organ:Person
        public string FullName { get; set; }
        public string Address { get; set; }

        public override string ToString()
            return FullName;
        public Organ()
            PersonType = PersonType.Organ;
تو این مثال از Discriminator استفاده کرده ولی بعضی وقتها کوئری‌ها به این شکل ایجاد میکنه
CASE WHEN (( NOT (([UnionAll2].[C7] = 1) AND ([UnionAll2].[C7] IS NOT NULL))) AND ( NOT (([UnionAll2].[C8] = 1) AND ([UnionAll2].[C8] IS NOT NULL))) AND ( NOT (([UnionAll2].[C9] = 1) AND ([UnionAll2].[C9] IS NOT NULL)))) THEN CAST(NULL AS varchar(1)) WHEN (([UnionAll2].[C9] = 1) AND ([UnionAll2].[C9] IS NOT NULL)) THEN [UnionAll2].[C2] WHEN (([UnionAll2].[C8] = 1) AND ([UnionAll2].[C8] IS NOT NULL)) THEN CAST(NULL AS varchar(1)) END AS [C2], 
CASE WHEN (( NOT (([UnionAll2].[C7] = 1) AND ([UnionAll2].[C7] IS NOT NULL))) AND ( NOT (([UnionAll2].[C8] = 1) AND ([UnionAll2].[C8] IS NOT NULL))) AND ( NOT (([UnionAll2].[C9] = 1) AND ([UnionAll2].[C9] IS NOT NULL)))) THEN CAST(NULL AS varchar(1)) WHEN (([UnionAll2].[C9] = 1) AND ([UnionAll2].[C9] IS NOT NULL)) THEN CAST(NULL AS varchar(1)) WHEN (([UnionAll2].[C8] = 1) AND ([UnionAll2].[C8] IS NOT NULL)) THEN [UnionAll2].[C3] END AS [C3], 
CASE WHEN (( NOT (([UnionAll2].[C7] = 1) AND ([UnionAll2].[C7] IS NOT NULL))) AND ( NOT (([UnionAll2].[C8] = 1) AND ([UnionAll2].[C8] IS NOT NULL))) AND ( NOT (([UnionAll2].[C9] = 1) AND ([UnionAll2].[C9] IS NOT NULL)))) THEN CAST(NULL AS int) WHEN (([UnionAll2].[C9] = 1) AND ([UnionAll2].[C9] IS NOT NULL)) THEN CAST(NULL AS int) WHEN (([UnionAll2].[C8] = 1) AND ([UnionAll2].[C8] IS NOT NULL)) THEN [UnionAll2].[C4] END AS [C4],
زمان اجرای کوئری پایین هست ، ولی حجم کد تولید شده بالاهست.
8 روش که باعث نشت حافظه در دات نت میشود

Any experienced .NET developer knows that even though .NET applications have a garbage collector, memory leaks occur all the time. It’s not that the garbage collector has bugs, it’s just that there are ways we can (easily) cause memory leaks in a managed language.

Memory leaks are sneakily bad creatures. It’s easy to ignore them for a very long time, while they slowly destroy the application. With memory leaks, your memory consumption grows, creating GC pressure and performance problems. Finally, the program will just crash on an out-of-memory exception.

In this article, we will go over the most common reasons for memory leaks in .NET programs. All examples are in C#, but they are relevant to other languages.  

8 روش که باعث نشت حافظه در دات نت میشود
مشخصات یک Changelog خوب

A change log is a file which contains a curated, chronologically ordered list of notable changes for each version of an open source project. 

مشخصات یک Changelog خوب
ساخت Rest api توسط فریم ورک bottle

REST APIs have become a common way to establish an interface between web back-ends and front-ends, and between different web services. The simplicity of this kind of interface, and the ubiquitous support of the HTTP and HTTPS protocols across different networks and frameworks, makes it an easy choice when considering interoperability issues. 

ساخت Rest api توسط فریم ورک bottle
Bosque زبان برنامه نویسی جدید مایکروسافت بر پایه تایپ اسکریپت

The Bosque programming language is designed for writing code that is simple, obvious, and easy to reason about for both humans and machines. The key design features of the language provide ways to avoidaccidental complexity in the development and coding process. The goal is improved developer productivity, increased software quality, and enabling a range of new compilers and developer tooling experiences. 

Bosque زبان برنامه نویسی جدید مایکروسافت بر پایه تایپ اسکریپت
versin control بانک های اطلاعاتی

By placing under source control everything we need to describe any version of a database, we make it much easier to achieve consistent database builds and releases, to find out who made which changes and why, and to access all database support materials. Matthew Skelton explains how to make sure your version control system fully supports all phases of the database lifecycle, from governance, development, delivery and through to operations. 

versin control بانک های اطلاعاتی
خودکارسازی فرآیند اعمال GlobalQueryFilter در EF Core

Entity Framework Core 2.0 introduces global query filters that can be applied to entities when a model is created. It makes it easier to build multi-tenant applications and support soft deleting of entities. This blog post gives a deeper overview of how to use global query filters in real-life applications and how to apply global query filters to domain entities automatically. 

خودکارسازی فرآیند اعمال GlobalQueryFilter در EF Core