نگاهی به ویژگی‌های Rider

I must say that Rider is pretty impressive. Not only does it offer most features of Visual Studio, even of quite expensive editions, but it even has more.  

نگاهی به ویژگی‌های Rider
مقدمه ای بر Bot Framework مایکروسافت

Essentially, a bot is an application that can automate repetitive tasks or serve information to a user and, more and more, can interact with a user using natural language. As these bots get more intelligent and better at understanding us, this is providing a wide spectrum of use cases for bots to be used by and assist almost everyone. 

مقدمه ای بر Bot Framework مایکروسافت
سری آموزش Vue.js از مایکروسافت
Vue.js is a progressive front-end JavaScript framework designed to allow you to add dynamic capabilities to your web pages. The addition of a script tag allows you to utilize the functionality in existing applications, or you can build completely from scratch using the framework. It's designed to grow with you and allow you to quickly create rich pages. 
سری آموزش Vue.js از مایکروسافت
گردهمایی‌های مجازی توسعه دهنده‌ها

Virtual Events for Developers

While in-person conferences and events may be cancelled, there are still many online opportunities for you to stay connected. Browse the full list of virtual events to continue to grow your skills as a developer, contribute to interesting projects, and meet like-minded developers around the world.

گردهمایی‌های مجازی توسعه دهنده‌ها
نکته ها و ترفند هایی دربارهRazor Partial View

Partial views in ASP.NET MVC allow you to reuse and customise components to act like user controls. They consist of both code and markup. They are an idea that is easy to grasp but they have great potential for the more adventurous developer who is prepared to experiment. Dino Esposito explains 

نکته ها و ترفند هایی دربارهRazor Partial View
بازخوردهای دوره
معرفی پروژه NotifyPropertyWeaver
چطور یک Subscriber برای رویداد propertyChanged بنویسیم، درصورتیکه این رویداد وجود ندارد؟
درصورت امکان، یک مثال از نحوه اطلاع رسانی هنگام تغییر مقدار Property بزنید.
میزان محبوبیت زبان‌های برنامه نویسی بر اساس GitHub pull requests

The gist of the story goes as follow:

  1. The most popular languages are JavaScript/TypeScript and Python with roughly 20% of all pull requests each. In effect, if you put JavaScript/TypeScript and Python together, you get about 40% of all pull requests.
  2. Then you get the second tier languages: Java and Scala, C/C++, and Go. They all are in the 10% to 15% range.
  3. Finally, you have PHP, Ruby and C# that all manage to get about 5% of all pull requests.
  4. Other languages are typically far below 5%. 
میزان محبوبیت زبان‌های برنامه نویسی بر اساس GitHub pull requests
نظرات مطالب
اعتبارسنجی مبتنی بر JWT در ASP.NET Core 2.0 بدون استفاده از سیستم Identity
سلام. وقت بخیر. من سیاست دسترسی پویا رو به jwt اضافه کردم. کلیه Claimها رو  به accesstoken اضافه میکنم و درست هم عملیات دسترسی چک میشود.
 فقط این Claimها که در توکن اضافه میشود در سمت سرور از روی توکن ارسالی کاربر چک میشود؟
 public bool CanUserAccess(ClaimsPrincipal user, string area, string controller, string action)
            var currentClaimValue = $"{area}:{controller}:{action}";
            var securedControllerActions = _mvcActionsDiscoveryService.GetAllSecuredControllerActionsWithPolicy(ConstantPolicies.DynamicPermission);
            if (!securedControllerActions.SelectMany(x => x.MvcActions).Any(x => x.ActionId == currentClaimValue))
                throw new KeyNotFoundException($@"The `secured` area={area}/controller={controller}/action={action} with `ConstantPolicies.DynamicPermission` policy not found. Please check you have entered the area/controller/action names correctly and also it's decorated with the correct security policy.");

            if (!user.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                return false;

            if (user.IsInRole("Admin"))
                // Admin users have access to all of the pages.
                return true;

            // Check for dynamic permissions
            // A user gets its permissions claims from the `ApplicationClaimsPrincipalFactory` class automatically and it includes the role claims too.

            //for check user has claim for access to action
            return user.HasClaim(claim => claim.Type == ConstantPolicies.DynamicPermissionClaimType &&
                                          claim.Value == currentClaimValue);
امکان دستکاری توسط کاربر وجود ندارد؟ اگر اینطور است چطور این دسترسی‌ها رو در سمت سرور بعد از login در حافظه سرور ذخیره کنیم برای دفعات بعد؟
انتشار نسخه اول پیش‌نمایش دات‌نت ۸

Welcome to .NET 8! The first preview is ready for you to download: claim your copy of the first .NET 8 preview and start building applications today. Scroll down to see the list of features included in this preview. .NET 8 is a long-term support (LTS) release. This blog post covers the major themes and goals that drive the prioritization and selection of enhancements to develop. .NET 8 preview and release candidate builds will be delivered monthly. As usual, the final release will be delivered sometime in November at .NET Conf. 

انتشار نسخه اول پیش‌نمایش دات‌نت ۸
NHibernate 5.0 منتشر شد

** Highlights
* IO bound methods have gained an async counterpart. Not intended for parallelism, make sure to await each
call before further interacting with a session and its queries.
* Strongly typed DML operation (insert/update/delete) are now available as Linq extensions on queryables.
* Entities collections can be queried with .AsQueryable() Linq extension without being fully loaded.
* Reference documentation has been curated and completed, notably with a Linq section.

NHibernate 5.0 منتشر شد