نظرات مطالب
آپلود فایل توسط فرم‌های پویای jqGrid
این تغییر را در سمت سرور، معادل کدهای سمت کلاینت، اعمال کردید؟
// todo: change `imageName` according to the form's file element name
نام این پارامتر سمت سرور باید با نام المان متناظر آن در فرم یکی باشد و تغییر کند:
      fileElementId: fileElementId, // آی دی المان ورودی فایل
بازخوردهای پروژه‌ها
موقع ویرایش کاربر خطا داره
با سلام
با تشکراز پروژه خوبتون
من پروژه رو اجرا کردم موقعی که روی دگمه ویرایش کاربران کلیک میکنم خطای زیر رو بهم نشون میده
 LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString()' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.

 هرچی تلاش کردم متوجه نشدم که دقیقا از کجا خطا میگیره و فقط میدونم که از متد GetUserByRoles موقع Map کردنش به EditUserViewModel  ایراد می‌گیره

 public Task<EditUserViewModel> GetUserByRoles(int id)
            return _users.AsNoTracking()
                    .Include(a => a.Roles)
                    .FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a.Id == id);

استایل دهی به برنامه های Xamarin.Forms با CSS

Some months ago a feature landed in Xamarin.Forms that seemed to truly polarize the Xamarin.Forms community: support for styling applications using CSS. Some argued that it was an unnecessary introduction to "Web" technology to the native development experience, and others that it simply isn't the right solution to the problem.  While I sympathize with the latter opinion and think there's plenty of room for some good debate on the right path forward, I count myself as part of a third camp: I think that CSS is a powerful (and frequently maligned) solution to the problem of styling native mobile applications.

استایل دهی به برنامه های Xamarin.Forms با CSS
Records v2؛ پیشنهادی برای C# 9x

In the past we've thought about records as a feature to enable working with data. "Working with data" is a big group with a number of facets, so it may be interesting to look at each in isolation. Let's start by looking at an example of records today and some of its drawbacks. 

Records v2؛ پیشنهادی برای C# 9x
سایت NET Core Show.

Each episode has a set of show notes - in the form of a blog post on this site. And each set of show notes has an embedded player, which will allow you to listen to the episode via the show notes. 

سایت NET Core Show.
رفع مشکلات Web APIهای منتقل شده به ASP.NET Core در Linux

Some key areas of focus uncovered by this investigation were:

  • Being mindful of memory allocations to minimize GC pause times

  • Keeping long-running calls non-blocking/asynchronous

  • Minimizing calls to external resources (such as other web services or the database) with caching and grouping of requests 

رفع مشکلات Web APIهای منتقل شده به ASP.NET Core در Linux
تولید محتوای پویا در Angular

محتوای پویا Angular  : 

Multiple ways to create Angular components dynamically at runtime 

In this article, I am going to show you several ways of creating dynamic content in Angular. You will get examples of custom list templates, dynamic component creation, runtime component and module compilation. Full source code will be available at the end of the article.

تولید محتوای پویا در Angular
سری «سلامت کد» از گوگل

What the Code Health group does is work on efforts that universally improve the lives of engineers and their ability to write products with shorter iteration time, decreased development effort, greater stability, and improved performance.

سری «سلامت کد» از گوگل
مجموعه‌ای از Open Source SVG Icons

Iconoir: 1300+ Open Source SVG Icons — A vast array of clean and simple icons, complete with ways to quickly integrate them into React, React Native, Figma, and other apps – or just using CSS, if you prefer. 

مجموعه‌ای از Open Source SVG Icons