کتابخانه jquery-offcanvas
This plugin provides an easy way to put content outside of the canvas and reveal it with a click on a button or any desired element. This is a useful pattern for mobile navigations and more.  Demo
کتابخانه jquery-offcanvas
ایجاد اپلیکیشن آنگولار با typescript
: The purpose of this article is to
Provide a working guidance on building AngularJS applications using TypeScript and powered by ASP.NET vNext backend
Experiment with building web applications using facilities provided by and mindset required by Visual Studio Code 
ایجاد اپلیکیشن آنگولار با typescript
کتابخانه sir-trevor-js
  • No HTML is stored, only structured JSON and clean Markdown
  • Trivial to extend and create your own block types
  • Intuitive interface for creating rich content
  • Used on a national broadcast news site serving millions of users


کتابخانه sir-trevor-js
مروری بر ویژگی Auto Properry در سی شارپ 6

With the release of Visual Studio 2015 came the (final) release of the Roslyn C# compiler and C# 6. This latest version of C#’s feature list seems to be…less than exciting, but it’s important to keep in mind that before Roslyn, none of these new features would have ever made it into a release. It was simply too hard to add a feature in C#, so higher impact/value features made it in while minor annoyances/enhancements would be deferred, indefinitely 

مروری بر ویژگی Auto Properry در سی شارپ 6