حذف سریع رکورد های یک لیست SharePoint با NET. در PowerShell
لطفا توجه فرمایید که جالب‌ترین قسمت این مقاله قابلیت استفاده از کلاس‌های دات نت در دل PowerShell می‌باشد. که در قسمت چهارم کد‌ها مشاهده می‌فرمایید.
حذف تمام رکورد‌های یک لیست شیرپوینت از طریق رابط کاربری SharePoint  مسیر نمیباشد و لازم است برای آن چند خط کد نوشته شود که می‌توانید آن را با console و جالب‌تر از آن با  PowerShell   اجرا کنید.
1- ساده‌ترین روش حذف رکورد‌های شیرپوینت را در روبرو مشاهده می‌فرمایید که به ازای حذف هر رکورد یک رفت و برگشت به پایگاه انجام می‌شود
SPList list = mWeb.GetList(strUrl);
if (list != null)
    for (int i = list.ItemCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
2- با استفاده از  SPWeb.ProcessBatchData در کد زیر می‌توانیم با سرعت بیشتر و هوشمندانه‌تری، حذف تمام رکورد‌ها را در یک عمل انجام دهیم
public static void DeleteAllItems(string site, string list)
    using (SPSite spSite = new SPSite(site))
        using (SPWeb spWeb = spSite.OpenWeb())
            StringBuilder deletebuilder = BatchCommand(spWeb.Lists[list]);

private static StringBuilder BatchCommand(SPList spList)
    StringBuilder deletebuilder= new StringBuilder();
    deletebuilder.Append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><Batch>");
    string command = "<Method><SetList Scope=\"Request\">" + spList.ID +
        "</SetList><SetVar Name=\"ID\">{0}</SetVar><SetVar Name=\"Cmd\">Delete</SetVar></Method>";

    foreach (SPListItem item in spList.Items)
        deletebuilder.Append(string.Format(command, item.ID.ToString()));
    return deletebuilder;
3- در قسمت زیر همان روش batch  قبلی را مشاهده می‌فرمایید که با تقسیم کردن batch  ها به تکه‌های 1000 تایی کارایی آن را بالا برده ایم
// We prepare a String.Format with a String.Format, this is why we have a {{0}} 
   string command = String.Format("<Method><SetList Scope=\"Request\">{0}</SetList><SetVar Name=\"ID\">{{0}}</SetVar><SetVar Name=\"Cmd\">Delete</SetVar><SetVar Name=\"owsfileref\">{{1}}</SetVar></Method>", list.ID);
   // We get everything but we limit the result to 100 rows 
   SPQuery q = new SPQuery();
   q.RowLimit = 100;

   // While there's something left 
   while (list.ItemCount > 0)
    // We get the results 
    SPListItemCollection coll = list.GetItems(q);

    StringBuilder sbDelete = new StringBuilder();
    sbDelete.Append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><Batch>");

    Guid[] ids = new Guid[coll.Count];
    for (int i=0;i<coll.Count;i++)
     SPListItem item = coll[i];
     sbDelete.Append(string.Format(command, item.ID.ToString(), item.File.ServerRelativeUrl));
     ids[i] = item.UniqueId;

    // We execute it 

    //We remove items from recyclebin

4- در این قسمت به جالب‌ترین و آموزنده‌ترین قسمت این مطلب می‌پردازیم و آن import کردن namespace‌ها و ساختن object‌های دات نت در دل PowerShell هست که می‌توانید به راحتی با مقایسه با کد قسمت قبلی که در console نوشته شده است، آن‌را فرا بگیرید.
برای فهم script پاور شل زیر کافیست به چند نکته ساده زیر دقت کنید 
  • ایجاد متغیر‌ها به سادگی با شروع نوشتن نام متغیر با $ و بدون تعریف نوع آن‌ها انجام می‌شود
  • write-host حکم  write را دارد و واضح است که نوشتن تنهای آن برای ایجاد یک line break می‌باشد. 
  • کامنت کردن با # 
  • عدم وجود semi colon  برای اتمام فرامین
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c")
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c")
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c")
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")


# Enter your configuration here
$siteUrl = "http://mysharepointsite.example.com/"
$listName = "Name of my list"
$batchSize = 1000

write-host "Opening web at $siteUrl..."

$site = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($siteUrl)
$web = $site.OpenWeb()
write-host "Web is: $($web.Title)"

$list = $web.Lists[$listName];
write-host "List is: $($list.Title)"

while ($list.ItemCount -gt 0)
  write-host "Item count: $($list.ItemCount)"

  $batch = "<?xml version=`"1.0`" encoding=`"UTF-8`"?><Batch>"
  $i = 0

  foreach ($item in $list.Items)
    write-host "`rProcessing ID: $($item.ID) ($i of $batchSize)" -nonewline

    $batch += "<Method><SetList Scope=`"Request`">$($list.ID)</SetList><SetVar Name=`"ID`">$($item.ID)</SetVar><SetVar Name=`"Cmd`">Delete</SetVar><SetVar Name=`"owsfileref`">$($item.File.ServerRelativeUrl)</SetVar></Method>"

    if ($i -ge $batchSize) { break }

  $batch += "</Batch>"


  write-host "Sending batch..."

  # We execute it 
  $result = $web.ProcessBatchData($batch)

  write-host "Emptying Recycle Bin..."

  # We remove items from recyclebin



write-host "Done."

پیاده سازی Vertical-Tabbed Content Sections
In this tutorial I want to demonstrate how we can build a custom vertical content section using jQuery. All of the internal content is held inside div containers which can be navigated with an icon-based menu. This content isn’t loaded externally via Ajax, but is instead hidden & displayed using content sections already on the page.  Demo
پیاده سازی Vertical-Tabbed Content Sections
روش‌های مختلف تولید اعداد تصادفی در جاوا‌اسکریپت چقدر با هم متفاوتند؟

Looking at these side-by-side randomly generated visualizations, neither of them seem substantively different from a distribution perspective. All to say, when generating a random color palette, there probably wasn't any need for me to use the Crypto module—I probably should have just stuck with Math. It's much faster and feels to be just as random. I'll leave the Crypto stuff to any client-side cryptography work (which I've never had to do).

روش‌های مختلف تولید اعداد تصادفی در جاوا‌اسکریپت چقدر با هم متفاوتند؟
IIS 10.0 Express منتشر شد

Internet Information Services (IIS) 10.0 Express is a free, simple and self-contained version of IIS that is optimized for developers. IIS 10.0 Express makes it easy to use the most current version of IIS to develop and test websites. IIS 10.0 Express has all the core capabilities of IIS 10.0 and additional features to ease website development.

The benefits of using IIS 10.0 Express include:

  • The same web server that runs on your production server is now available on your development computer.
  • Most tasks can be done without the need for administrative privileges.
  • IIS Express runs on Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and all later versions of Windows.
  • Many users can work independently on the same computer. 
IIS 10.0 Express منتشر شد
دقیقا چه اتفاقی برای Parler رخ داد؟

Parler relied on several external services for security; but when those services were yanked away (due to Parler hosting neo-nazi and insurrectionist content), their code took the absence of such services as a reason to approve whatever action the user was trying to take. It’s the equivalent of your house security system letting everyone in if the phone-line goes down. There’s so much more to the Parler hack, from the lack of rate-limiting to the ability for people to pull down 60-70TBs of information from Parler’s AWS hosted storage, which — to add insult to injury, results in a massive egress bill from AWS to Parler, on top of AWS no longer hosting Parler. 

دقیقا چه اتفاقی برای Parler رخ داد؟
کتابخانه AspNetCoreRateLimit

AspNetCoreRateLimit is an ASP.NET Core rate limiting solution designed to control the rate of requests that clients can make to a Web API or MVC app based on IP address or client ID. The AspNetCoreRateLimit package contains an IpRateLimitMiddleware and a ClientRateLimitMiddleware, with each middleware you can set multiple limits for different scenarios like allowing an IP or Client to make a maximum number of calls in a time interval like per second, 15 minutes, etc. You can define these limits to address all requests made to an API or you can scope the limits to each API URL or HTTP verb and path.

کتابخانه AspNetCoreRateLimit
استفاده از LINQ در JavaScript
One of the more awesome things I like about being a .NET developer is LINQ. LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a fluent query interface implemented in the .NET framework. It helps you query, sort and order any type of collection. This is a very neat way of querying arrays, lists, dictionaries, objects, etc. I’ve made 5 examples which run out of the box with Node.js (or io.js). You can also use the library for browser based JavaScript projects.
استفاده از LINQ در JavaScript
آمار ابزارهای طراحی سال 2019

The survey will close at the end of April, with the results written up shortly after. If you’d like to know when this happens, follow me on Twitter or leave your email at the end of the survey. You’ll then receive a link to the results articles once they are published. 

آمار ابزارهای طراحی سال 2019
بهبودهای WPF در NET 4.6.1.

With the 4.6.1 RC we have added support for WPF to recognize custom dictionaries registered globally. This capability is available in addition to the ability to register them per-control. Also, custom dictionaries in the previous versions of WPF had no affordance for Excluded Words and AutoCorrect lists. On Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, these scenarios are now enabled through the use of files that can be placed under %AppData%\Microsoft\Spelling\<language tag>.

بهبودهای WPF در NET 4.6.1.