لاگ زدن تغییرات انجام شده در DbContext با Entity Framework 4.1
Many applications have a need to keep audit information on changes made to objects in the database. Traditionally, this would be done either through log events, stored procedures that implement the logging, or the use of archive/tombstone tables to store the old values before the modification (hopefully enforced through stored procedures). With all of these, there is always a chance that a developer could forget to do those things in a specific section of code, and that changes could be made through the application without logging the change correctly. With Entity Framework 4.1’s DbContext API, it is fairly easy to implement more robust audit logging in your application  
لاگ زدن تغییرات انجام شده در DbContext با Entity Framework 4.1
NET Core 3.0. و تولید برنامه‌های دسکتاپ

At Build 2019, Microsoft announced the release date for .NET Core 3.0 to be this coming September. This release includes the highly touted support for desktop platforms like WinForms and WPF. Today, there’s still a large developer base that’s building desktop applications using these .NET Windows desktop frameworks and by using .NET Core 3.0, you can now build desktop applications on the .NET Core platform. 

NET Core 3.0. و تولید برنامه‌های دسکتاپ
NET 7 Preview 5. منتشر شد

Today we released .NET 7 Preview 5. This preview of .NET 7 includes improvements to Generic Math which make the lives of API authors easier, a new Text Classification API for ML.NET that adds state-of-the-art deep learning techniques for natural language processing, various improvements to source code generators and a new Roslyn analyzer and fixer for RegexGenerator and multiple performance improvements in the areas of CodeGen, Observability, JSON serialization / deserialization and working with streams. 

NET 7 Preview 5. منتشر شد
تعریف محرمانگی اطلاعات

The need to maintain information privacy is applicable to collected personal information, such as medical records, financial data, criminal records, political records, business related information or website data 

تعریف محرمانگی اطلاعات
کتابخانه jQuery.mmenu
The best jQuery plugin for app look-alike on- and off-canvas menus with sliding submenus for your website and webapp.
کتابخانه jQuery.mmenu
PDF Viewer تحت وب
Viewer.JS must be the easiest way to use presentations, spreadsheets, PDF's and other documents on your  website or blog without any external dependencies
PDF Viewer تحت وب
نظرات مطالب
مراحل تنظیم Let's Encrypt در IIS
- در اولین تصویر این مطلب، بررسی کنید چه نوع HTTPS binding ای تعریف شده و جزئیات آن چیست؟
+ این تنظیم را شاید تغییر دادید (همان حالت ignore درست هست):

website -> SSL Settings -> Client Certificates -> Select `Ignore`:  This is the default option.
بازخوردهای پروژه‌ها
Fill and FillByObject
متود زیر برای تولید عبارت مبتنی بر الگو زمانی که الگو پیچیده‌تر از این است که بشود با string.Format به راحتی پیاده سازی شود ولی چندان هم پیچیده نیست که ابزارهای حرفه ای‌تری مانند T4 یا Razor به کار بیایند، میتواند مورد استفاده قرار گیرد:
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert values from an object into a string pattern. To specify the object's property you have to use the '{propertyName}'.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is a replacement to String.Format, but it has two differences:
        /// <list type="simple">
        /// <item>It reverese the order you call the functionality, instead of writing String.Format(pattern, args) you write pattern.FillByObject(args). This makes the code look cleaner.</item>
        /// <item>You supply the pattern with an object and specify insertion points by property names.</item>
        /// </list>
        /// <example>
        /// <![CDATA[
        /// "First name:{firstName}, Sur name:{Surname}".FillByObject(new {firstName = "Sam", lastName="Naseri"});
        /// ]]>
        /// </example>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <seealso cref="Fill"/>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Type of bindingValue.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="bindingPattern">The pattern to fill.</param>
        /// <param name="bindingValue">The object providing values to fill in the pattern.</param>
        /// <returns>The pattern filled with values.</returns>
        public static string FillByObject<T>(this string bindingPattern, T bindingValue)
            var properties = GetProperties(typeof(T)).ToList();
            var values = properties.Select(property => property.GetValue(bindingValue, new object[] { })).ToList();
            var result = bindingPattern;
            for (int index = 0; index < properties.Count; index++)
                var property = properties[index];
                var propPattern = "{" + property.Name + "}";
                var old = result;
                result = result.Replace(propPattern, values[index] != null ? values[index].ToString() : "");
            return result;

پیاده سازی فوق یک پیاده سازی بسیار خام و بسیار کند است و جای بهبود زیادی دارد. من فقط برای سناریوهای ساده که کارایی مطرح نیست استفاده از متود فوق را توصیه میکنم.
متودهای جانبی مورد نیاز:
private static IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetProperties(Type t)
    return t.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

همچنین متود زیر هم میتواند نوشتن string.Format را یک خرده ساده‌تر کند:
/// <summary>
/// A simple replacement for String.Format which only makes the codes look nicer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pattern">The source string that you want to replace insertion points on it.</param>
/// <param name="args">Values to be replaced in the pattern.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string Fill(this string pattern, params object[] args)
    return string.Format(pattern, args);