نظرات مطالب
ایجاد کپچایی (captcha) سریع و ساده در ASP.NET MVC 5

ممنون از شما. فقط یک نکته‌ی کوچک در مورد memory stream هست که بهتره درنظر گرفته بشه. در این شیء متدهای ToArray و GetBuffer یکی نیستند. متد GetBuffer حجمی نزدیک به 2 برابر آرایه اصلی رو عموما داره و انتهاش یک سری بایت‌های اضافی هم شاید باشند. اما ToArray اصل دیتا رو بر می‌گردونه.

Note that the buffer contains allocated bytes which might be unused. For example, if the string "test" is written into the MemoryStream object, the length of the buffer returned from GetBuffer is 256, not 4, with 252 bytes unused. To obtain only the data in the buffer, use the ToArray method; however, ToArray creates a copy of the data in memory.

Angular 7 در راه است

Today Angular Team released Angular 7 beta.0 release. Many of us will be curious about the kind of features and bug fixes that we can see in this beta release. 

Angular 7 در راه است
کتابخانه k6

k6 is an open-source load testing tool for testing the performance of your systems. It’s built with Go and JavaScript to integrate well into your development workflow, so you can stay on top of performance without fuzz. 

کتابخانه k6
jQuery 2.2 و 1.12 منتشر شدند

Symbol support
We’ve added support for the Symbol type added in ES6/ES2015. Essentially, this means that jQuery objects can be iterated with for-of where supported.

for (element of $elements) {
jQuery 2.2 و 1.12 منتشر شدند
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET 6 Preview 6.

Here’s what’s new in this preview release:

  • Improved Blazor accessibility
  • Required Blazor component parameters
  • Efficient byte array transfers for JavaScript interop
  • Optional parameters for view component tag helpers
  • Angular template updated to Angular 12
  • OpenAPI support for minimal APIs
  • Inject services into minimal APIs without [FromServices] attribute
  • Configure the accept socket for Kestrel
  • IHttpActivityFeature
  • Long running activity tag for SignalR connections
  • WebSocket compression
  • SignalR WebSockets TestServer support
  • New OnCheckSlidingExpiration event for controlling cookie renewal
  • ClientCertificateMode.DelayCertificate 
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET 6 Preview 6.
کتابخانه Zepto.js

Zepto is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers with a largely jQuery-compatible API. If you use jQuery, you already know how to use Zepto.

While 100% jQuery coverage is not a design goal, the APIs provided match their jQuery counterparts. The goal is to have a ~5-10k modular library that downloads and executes fast, with a familiar and versatile API, so you can concentrate on getting stuff done. 

npm install zepto

کتابخانه Zepto.js
راهنمای نامگذاری متغیرها در JavaScript

Variable Naming Best Practices in JavaScript

Like any other programming language, JavaScript relies heavily on well-structured and understandable code. One of the fundamental building blocks of clean JavaScript code is effective variable naming.

By adhering to certain best practices, you can significantly enhance the readability and maintainability of your JavaScript projects. Let’s dive into 12 sets of JavaScript variable naming guidelines.

راهنمای نامگذاری متغیرها در JavaScript