ویدیوی آموزشی Angular 2.0 با Typescript

Angular 2.0 will be built using the TypeScript language. It will embrace TypeScript's idioms for working with immersive web experiences in larger applications.

You can get those same benefits by working with TypeScript and Angular together. In this session, you'll learn how Angular and TypeScript work together to create single page applications. You'll see how you can leverage the features of ECMAScript 6, and still support today's browsers. You'll see how adopting TypeScript can be as easy as changing the extensions on your .js files. How you use the TypeScript features is completely in your control. 

ویدیوی آموزشی Angular 2.0 با Typescript
معرفی فریم‌ورک FAST مایکروسافت

What is FAST?

FAST is a collection of technologies built on Web Components and modern Web Standards, designed to help you efficiently tackle some of the most common challenges in website and application design and development.

What are Web Components?

"Web Components" is an umbrella term that refers to a collection of web standards focused on enabling the creation of custom HTML elements. Some of the standards that are under the umbrella include the ability to define new HTML tags, plug into a standard component lifecycle, encapsulate HTML rendering and CSS, parameterize CSS, skin components, and more. Each of these platform features is defined by the W3C and has shipped in every major browser today. 

ASP.NET Community Standup - July 7, 2020 - FAST Framework  

معرفی فریم‌ورک FAST مایکروسافت
عیب یابی سایت های ASP.NET5 در IIS

Recently I have published this blog, which talks about configuring the ASP.NET 5 application in IIS.

After you set this up, if you run into any issues while accessing the website you can enable the inbuilt logging provided within the HTTPPlatform Handler. 

عیب یابی سایت های ASP.NET5  در IIS
معرفی Redgate University

The Redgate Hub provides a wealth of free technical articles and videos and recently even more content has been added to the university. New courses include guidance for setting up your own demo environment, a course on unboxing SQL Cone, and a guide to testing your Database DevOps readiness. 

معرفی Redgate University
دریافت خودکار پیامک کد تایید اعتبارسنجی با WebOTP API

The current process creates friction for users. Finding an OTP within an SMS message, then copying and pasting it to the form is cumbersome, lowering conversion rates in critical user journeys. Easing this has been a long standing request for the web from many of the largest global developers. Android has an API that does exactly this. So does iOS and Safari 

دریافت خودکار پیامک کد تایید اعتبارسنجی با WebOTP API
کتاب رایگان Scala Succinctly

Learning a new programming language can be a daunting task, but Scala Succinctly makes it a simple matter. Author Chris Rose guides readers through the basics of Scala, from installation to syntax shorthand, so that they can get up and running quickly.

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Variables and Values
  3. Expressions and Functions
  4. Control Structures
  5. Arrays and Lists
  6. Other Collection Types
  7. Classes and Objects
  8. Pattern Matching
  9. Closures
  10. Conclusion 
کتاب رایگان Scala Succinctly
چرا SQL در حال شکست NoSQL است؟

SQL is back. Not just because writing glue code to kludge together NoSQL tools is annoying. Not just because retraining workforces to learn a myriad of new languages is hard. Not just because standards can be a good thing.

But also because the world is filled with data. It surrounds us, binds us. At first, we relied on our human senses and sensory nervous systems to process it. Now our software and hardware systems are also getting smart enough to help us. And as we collect more and more data to make better sense of our world, the complexity of our systems to store, process, analyze, and visualize that data will only continue to grow as well. 

چرا SQL در حال شکست NoSQL است؟
کتاب رایگان توسعه نرم افزار Agile

Learning new development processes can be difficult, but switching to Agile doesn’t need to be complicated. Explore the theories behind Agile and learn how to make it work for you. In Agile Software Development Succinctly, author Stephen Haunts will guide you to a fuller understanding of Agile, its advantages and disadvantages, and how to get the most out of it. 

کتاب رایگان توسعه نرم افزار Agile
Rider EAP 20 منتشر شد.

Rider EAP 20 fixes a number of bugs, improves .NET Core support, has better NuGet performance, supports Xamarin Android applications, comes with Node.js tooling from WebStorm (including SpyJS), can generate ResX files, executes T4 templates (needs Windows and Visual Studio SDK), adds support for scratch files, … Too much for one sentence, as you can see from the full list of fixes. We’ll highlight a few, read on! 

Rider EAP 20 منتشر شد.
زیر نویس فارسی ویدیوهای ساخت برنامه‌های مترو توسط سی شارپ و XAML - قسمت سوم

زیرنویس‌های فارسی قسمت سوم «Building Windows 8 Metro Apps in C# and XAML» را از اینجا و یا اینجا می‌تونید دریافت کنید.

لیست سرفصل‌های قسمت سوم به شرح زیر است:

Controls  00:48:08 
WinRT provides numerous XAML controls, which act as the building blocks of your applications.
Some of these will be familiar, while some are new to Metro.
Command Controls
Demo: Application Bar
Context Menus
Demo: Context Menus
Application Settings
CheckBox, RadioButton, and ToggleSwitch
Progress Controls
Demo: Progress Controls
Displaying Text
Demo: Displaying Text
Text Entry

مطالبی که بیشتر در این سری بر روی آن‌ها تمرکز شده، مباحث صفحات لمسی و تغییرات کنترل‌های ویندوز 8 جهت سازگاری با این مساله است. بنابراین در این سری بیشتر از هرچیزی finger ، tap و touch را خواهید شنید. جایی که چند جا را می‌شود همزمان لمس کرد و با چندین انگشت همزمان کار کرد که نکات قابل توجهی را نسبت به دنیای تک بعدی ماوس به همراه دارد.