ساختن یک برنامه خیلی بزرگ جاوا اسکریپت در TypeScript
How can you survive a project that uses JavaScript massively on both the client and the server using node.js? The project is about on-line development components, such as the TypeScript playground (http://www.typescriptlang.org/Playground/) or Visual Studio Online “Monaco”, which enables users to edit Azure Web Sites online. We had an existing large JavaScript code base and we wanted to give TypeScript a try. Today the project is one of the largest TypeScript code bases inside Microsoft with more than 200k lines of TypeScript in production. This session gives a quick introduction into TypeScript and then takes a deep look at how TypeScript and other technologies were used to successfully scale up a large JavaScript project that ships in some of Microsoft’s biggest products and services
ساختن یک برنامه خیلی بزرگ جاوا اسکریپت در TypeScript

If you maintain an open-source project in the range of 10k-200k lines of code, I strongly encourage you to add an ARCHITECTURE document next to README and CONTRIBUTING. Before going into the details of why and how, I want to emphasize that this is not another “docs are good, write more docs” advice. I am pretty sloppy about documentation, and, eg, I often use just “simplify” as a commit message. Nonetheless, I feel strongly about the issue, even to the point of pestering you:-) 

Eazfuscator 2.6 منتشر شد

Eazfuscator یکی از برنامه‌های با کیفیت code obfuscation مخصوص دات نت فریم ورک است. این برنامه رایگان بوده و استفاده از آن به سادگی drag & drop فایل dll یا exe برنامه خود بر روی پنجره آن می‌باشد (یا استفاده از آن از طریق خط فرمان جهت اتوماسیون این‌کار)

ویژگی‌های آن:
Easy to use as 1-2-3
Automatic code protection with variety of supported obfuscation techniques:
  • Symbol renaming
  • String encryption
  • Constant literals pruning
  • Method signatures overload induction
  • Class hierarchy linerization
  • Code control flow obfuscation
  • Assemblies merging
Automatic code optimization
Supports .NET Framework versions 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5
Supports .NET Compact Framework versions 2.0 and 3.5
Supports Silverlight assemblies and XAP packages
Supports XNA applications for Windows, Xbox 360 and Zune platforms
Can obfuscate any 100% managed .NET assembly
Provides revolutionally innovative and easy to use GUI interface as well as classical command line interface
Microsoft Visual Studio integration. Supported versions are Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 including Express editions
Supports automatic builds

بنابر تجربه شخصی با این ابزارها (تجاری و غیرتجاری)، این تنها برنامه‌ای است که جهت code obfuscation اسمبلی‌های ASP.Net در محیط کاری مشکل ساز نشده و سایت پس از مدتی با پیغام‌های عجیب و غریب از کار نمی‌افتد.

چرا در دیتابیس از ایندکس ترتیبی استفاده می شود اما در برنامه نویسی از جداول هش؟!

1. Databases are typically used to store persistent data that needs to exist approximately forever. Programs typically only store data temporarily, until it is restarted. 

2. Hash tables provide constant time O(1) access for single values, while trees provide logarithmic time O(log n) access. 

چرا در دیتابیس از ایندکس ترتیبی استفاده می شود اما در برنامه نویسی از جداول هش؟!
کتاب رایگان Entity Framework Code First Succinctly

Chapter 1 Setting Up
Chapter 2 Domain Model
Chapter 3 Database
Chapter 4 Getting Data from the Database
Chapter 5 Writing Data to the Database
Chapter 6 Spatial Data Types
Chapter 7 Handling Events
Chapter 8 Extending Entity Framework
Chapter 9 Exposing Data to the World
Chapter 10 Tracing and Profiling
Chapter 11 Performance Optimizations
Chapter 12 Common Pitfalls

کتاب رایگان Entity Framework Code First Succinctly
طراحی افزونه پذیر و ماژولار در Asp.net core

ExtCore allows you to decouple your application into the modules (or extensions) and reuse that modules in other applications in various combinations. Each ExtCore extension may consist of one or more projects and each project may include everything you want (as any other ASP.NET Core project). Controllers, view components, views (added as resources and/or precompiled), static content (added as resources) will be resolved automatically. These projects (extension pieces) may be added to the application directly as dependencies in project.json of your main application project (as source code or NuGet packages), or by copying compiled DLL-files to the Extensions folder. ExtCore supports both of these approaches out of the box and at the same time. 

طراحی افزونه پذیر و ماژولار در Asp.net core