Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Release Candidate منتشر شد

نسخه نهایی Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 تا اواسط ماه May 2020 (ماه جاری) منتشر میشود

The Blazor WebAssembly Release Candidate is here! This release contains all of the features and improvements that we expect to release for the upcoming Blazor WebAssembly release. There are no more breaking changes planned at this point.

What’s behind the hype about Blazor?  

Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Release Candidate منتشر شد
شرکت در نظرسنجی امکانات بومی سازی تیم Angular
Hello! I work for the Angular core team on internationalization (i18n) and we are trying to get a better idea of the things that we need to improve/focus on in Angular regarding i18n. I created this survey: https://goo.gl/forms/0BIXXVP58RqbzzBM2 If you care about internationalization, please take 5mn to do it! Thanks!
شرکت در نظرسنجی امکانات بومی سازی تیم Angular
15 تکنیک سودمند CSS
  you have been a frontend web developer for a while, there is a high chance that you have had a moment when you were trying to find out how to code something and realised after a bit of googling, that "there is CSS for that". If you hadn’t, well you are about to. 
15 تکنیک سودمند CSS
نگاهی به React Native

React Native, a new way to write native mobile apps. The technology takes everything that's great about React.js and applies it to native apps. You write JavaScript components using a set of builtin primitives that are backed by actual native iOS or Android c 

نگاهی به React Native
ده روش امن سازی برنامه‌های NetCore.

Improper Authentication and Session Management

Most web applications have an authentication module, and we should be careful when writing code for it. We could make mistakes like not removing the authentication cookies after a successful logout. This kind of mistake allows attackers to steal user credentials such as cookies and session values, and may result in attackers being able to access the complete application and cause major negative impacts.

ده روش امن سازی برنامه‌های NetCore.
API های ویروس کرونا

If you have wanted to build something to spread information about COVID-19, here's a great place to start! This free API sources its data from Johns Hopkins CSSE. You can make a difference! 

API های ویروس کرونا
غنی سازی VSCode برای کار با React

Before we move into more coding with React, let's talk about the tools that can help us streamline our React development. We want to go into our React development as well equipped as possible! 

غنی سازی VSCode برای کار با React
نظرات مطالب
آپلود فایل‌ها توسط برنامه‌های React به یک سرور ASP.NET Core به همراه نمایش درصد پیشرفت
Don’t call Hooks from regular JavaScript functions. Instead, you can:

    ✅ Call Hooks from React function components.
    ✅ Call Hooks from custom Hooks (we’ll learn about them on the next page).