تغییرات Web API در دات نت 8

Preview 3 of .NET 8 includes a new project templates to create an API with a TODO service instead of the weather forecast . Looking into the generated code of this template, there are a lot more changes going on such as a slim builder and using a JSON source generator which helps when using AOT to create native .NET binaries. This article looks into the changes coming. 

تغییرات Web API در دات نت 8
Bootstrap 4.5.0 منتشر شد
  • New interaction utilities. Quickly set user-select with the new utilities and Sass map.
  • New Reboot style for pointer cursors. We now include a role="button" selector in Reboot to set cursor: pointer on non-<button> element buttons.
  • Examples are now downloadable. We’ve added a script to zip up and offer all our Examples as their own download from the docs.
  • Saved ~5% from the compressed minified JS builds. 
Bootstrap 4.5.0 منتشر شد
Ruby On Rails یکی از پر مخاطب ترین زبان های برنامه نویسی در سال 2016

When Ruby on Rails, a web application framework written in the Ruby programming language, was first released as open source back in July 2004, it stumbled to rise in the rankings as one of the top programming languages. But in 2006, Apple announced that it would be shipping Ruby on Rails with their Mac OS X v10.5 “Leopard” and Ruby soon became known and used by many. So much so, that the TIOBE index, a measure of the popularity of programming languages, named Ruby the “Programming Language of 2006.” However, due to some scalability issues and the release of other exciting new tools, such as Node.js and AngularJS, Ruby started to lose its popularity and by 2008 it seemed as if it was on its way out. 

Ruby On Rails یکی از پر مخاطب ترین زبان های برنامه نویسی در سال 2016
کتاب رایگان Implementing a Custom Language Succinctly

Custom languages provide many benefits, but many people fear the complexity that comes with trying to deploy them. Author Vassili Kaplan sweeps away the obstacles and shows how custom languages are a tool within reach of any developer. With Implementing a Custom Language Succinctly, readers will discover just how much they can accomplish with the skills they already have.

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. The Split-and-Merge Algorithm
  3. Basic Control Flow Statements
  4. Functions, Functions, Functions
  5. Exceptions and Custom Functions
  6. Operators, Arrays, and Dictionaries
  7. Localization
  8. Testing and Advanced Topics 
کتاب رایگان Implementing a Custom Language Succinctly
NHibernate و پشتیبانی از SQL Server 2014

NHibernate 4.0 GA has been released. It comes with .NET 4.0 support, moving away from the Iesi.Collections library, and also supports some SQL Server 2012 features such as sequences and Query Paging. 

NHibernate و پشتیبانی از SQL Server 2014
راه‌هایی برای جلوگیری از بیش‌ از اندازه پیچیده کردن کدها

On over-engineering; finding the right balance

A big debate among developers is whether to write code for today’s problem or to build a general-purpose solution for future needs. Both approaches have their pros and cons. Specific-purpose code can quickly become messy. But overly general code can add unnecessary complexity. This post, obviously opinionated, argues for a middle ground. That’s the sweet spot, as always.

راه‌هایی برای جلوگیری از بیش‌ از اندازه پیچیده کردن کدها
امکانات جدید visual studio 2015 update 2

In Visual Studio 2015 Update 2, you’ll notice that we’ve added some enhancements to previous features as well as added some new refactorings. The team focused on improving developer productivity by cutting down time, mouse-clicks, and keystrokes to make the actions you perform every day more efficient 

امکانات جدید visual studio 2015 update 2