ارتقاء از Gulp 3 به 4

I may be very late to the party, but once Gulp 3.x stopped working with recent versions of Node, I've been forced to update my projects to the newest version of Gulp. 

ارتقاء از Gulp 3 به 4
طراحی تامین کننده مبتنی بر Filesystem برای سیستم Logging در ASP.NET Core

In this post I'll show how to create a logging provider that writes logs to the file system. In production, I'd recommended using a more fully-featured system like Serilog instead of this library, but I wanted to see what was involved to get a better idea of the process myself.

The code for the file logging provider is available on GitHub, or as the NetEscapades.Extensions.Logging.RollingFile package on NuGet. 

طراحی تامین کننده مبتنی بر Filesystem برای سیستم Logging در ASP.NET Core
NuGet 6.0 منتشر شد

Announcing NuGet 6.0 - Source Mapping, Package Vulnerabilities, Faster Solution Load 

NuGet 6.0 منتشر شد
Moq در .NET Core

Moq makes testing this piece of code a breeze. Without it, I would have had to write a whole lot of essentially throwaway code just to test this three line controller action. Probably one or two orders of magnitude more code. Clearly, this tool which I relied on heavily prior to .NET Core, remains quite a powerful weapon in my arsenal in .NET Core. 

Moq در .NET Core
Humanizer 2.0 منتشر شد

Earlier today we finalized and published the next major release of Humanizer. This version includes many fixes and new features, many of them coming directly from the community. 

Humanizer 2.0 منتشر شد