نظرات مطالب
LocalDB چیست؟
امروز هرچقدر سعی می‌کنم یک دیتابیس Sql server ce رو روی هاست اشتراکی منتقل کنم مدام با خطای زیر مواجه می‌شم . راه حل‌های مختلفی رو هم امتحان کردم مثل تغییر سطح تراست یا تغییر نسخه کامپایل به x86 یا x64 یا این و این
نهایتا به جایی نرسیدم .

Unable to load the native components of SQL Server Compact corresponding to the ADO.NET provider of version 8854. Install the correct version of SQL Server Compact. Refer to KB article 974247 for more details.

پیاده سازی یک پروژه با ASP.NET Core Web API و Angular

Learn FULL STACK Web Development in 2 HOURS! ASP.NET & Angular

00:00:00 Welcome to our 2 hour FULL STACK Course!
00:01:12 What you will learn during the next 2 hours
00:03:29 Day 1 Multi-Page and Single-Page Applications, TypeScript, and Angular Components
00:21:57 Day 2 One-Way Binding and Event Binding in Angular
00:34:23 Day 3 Our Flight Booking Portal and routing in Angular
00:44:52 Day 4 The 'Search Flight' page, Design a HTML page, install Font Awesome using Node, and TypeScript interfaces
01:27:00 Day 5 ASP.NET Core REST API, SWAGGER for documenting and testing our API
01:55:51 Thanks for watching!

پیاده سازی یک پروژه با ASP.NET Core Web API و Angular
کنفرانس NET Fringe 2017.

Sean Killeen - Casting a Wider .NET: OSS Maturity in the .NET Community
Caitie McAffery - Distributed Sagas: A Protocol for Coordinating Microservices
Jeremy Bellows - Neuroevolution
Bobby Johnson - Zero to Sixty with DotNetCoreKoans
Ted Neward - Polytechnical Careering
Jasmine Greenaway - Climbing trees with UI Automation
Natallia Dzenisenka - Parallel Programming with F# and Hopac
Deren Liao - gRPC: Efficient RPC framework for .NET microservices
Alistair Champan - Using Docker to supercharge .NET development on Linux
Mikayla Hutchinson - Mono: Today and Tomorrow
Kent Bye - VR & AR: Design Patterns for the Experiential Age
Sara Ford - The Psychology of Developer Tool Usability
Immo Landworth - .NET Standard for Library Authors
Ken Egozi - Devil's Advocate
Sergey Bykov - Orleans: Rails for the Cloud
Andreia Gaita - C# in Games
Karel Zikmund - Challenges of Managing CoreFX Repo
Jeremy Abbott - Productive Web Applications (F#) 

کنفرانس NET Fringe 2017.
بررسی طراحی رابط کاربری برنامه‌ی Threads

Threads App UI Design in Figma step by step UI/UX Design + Link
Designing a great app that offers a seamless user experience can be a challenging task, especially when you have numerous components to manage. Figma, a collaborative interface design tool, has become a popular choice for UI/UX designers. In this article, we'll explore the process of designing Threads, a messaging app, from scratch in Figma. We'll walk you through the complete UI/UX design process, including wireframing, prototyping, and design system creation. 

بررسی طراحی رابط کاربری برنامه‌ی Threads