کنفرانس NET Fringe 2017.
200, OK
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwZVRWVJepJtK6UZD-m2VLU2k2V-O5OrG icon

Sean Killeen - Casting a Wider .NET: OSS Maturity in the .NET Community
Caitie McAffery - Distributed Sagas: A Protocol for Coordinating Microservices
Jeremy Bellows - Neuroevolution
Bobby Johnson - Zero to Sixty with DotNetCoreKoans
Ted Neward - Polytechnical Careering
Jasmine Greenaway - Climbing trees with UI Automation
Natallia Dzenisenka - Parallel Programming with F# and Hopac
Deren Liao - gRPC: Efficient RPC framework for .NET microservices
Alistair Champan - Using Docker to supercharge .NET development on Linux
Mikayla Hutchinson - Mono: Today and Tomorrow
Kent Bye - VR & AR: Design Patterns for the Experiential Age
Sara Ford - The Psychology of Developer Tool Usability
Immo Landworth - .NET Standard for Library Authors
Ken Egozi - Devil's Advocate
Sergey Bykov - Orleans: Rails for the Cloud
Andreia Gaita - C# in Games
Karel Zikmund - Challenges of Managing CoreFX Repo
Jeremy Abbott - Productive Web Applications (F#) 

کنفرانس NET Fringe 2017.