دوره آموزشی TypeScript ،ASP.NET Web API ، AngularJS Bootcamp هفته چهارم

This past week of the bootcamp was devoted to the Microsoft ASP.NET Web API. In other words, students learned how to build the server-side half of their full stack Web apps. By this point in the camp, students understand how all of the various pieces of a modern web app fit together. 

دوره آموزشی TypeScript ،ASP.NET Web API ، AngularJS Bootcamp هفته چهارم
نتایج نظرسنجی State of JS 2020

23,765 people from 137 countries took part in the recent State of JS survey and while there are some common criticisms of the project, the results are nonetheless interesting and we’ll be digging into some in forthcoming issues. Standouts include:

- Svelte took the top frontend framework crown from React for developer satisfaction.
- Testing Library jumped straight to #1 for testing libraries.
- More developers than ever are producing PWAs or using WebAssembly.
- 86% of respondents are using VS Code to work on their code.

نتایج نظرسنجی State of JS 2020
معرفی Vue Native
It Transpiles to React Native
React Native is a direct dependency of Vue Native. Once you initialize a new app using vue-native-cli, the entry script is App.vue

معرفی Vue Native
سیر تکاملی پایتون در سال های اخیر

According to several websites, Python is one of the most popular coding languages of 2015.

The programming language is currently being used by a number of high-traffic websites including Google, Yahoo Groups, Yahoo Maps, Linux Weekly News, Shopzilla and Web Therapy. Likewise, Python also finds great use for creating gaming, financial, scientific and educational applications 

سیر تکاملی پایتون در سال های اخیر
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5.5 منتشر شد

Fixed In This Release of Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5

Security Advisory Notice

CVE-2020-1108 .NET Core Denial of Service Vulnerability

A remote unauthenticated attacker could exploit this vulnerability by issuing specially crafted requests to the .NET Core application. The security update addresses the vulnerability by correcting how the .NET Core web application handles web requests.

CVE-2020-1161 .NET Core Denial of Service Vulnerability

A remote unauthenticated attacker could exploit this vulnerability by issuing specially crafted requests to the ASP.NET Core application. The security update addresses the vulnerability by correcting how the ASP.NET Core web application handles web requests. 

Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5.5 منتشر شد
20 ابزار برتر توسعه Angular JS

AngularJS is one of the most preferred framework for the web developers who aspire to design a web app in a dynamic manner. In case, if your developers are going to start a project on AngularJS , they may be in need of numerous tools to develop your website in a full-fledged manner. - See more at: http://www.valuecoders.com/blog/technology-and-apps/top-20-angularjs-developer-tools/#sthash.0yLW201H.dpuf 

20 ابزار برتر توسعه Angular JS
کتاب رایگان React.js

What Is ReactJS?

React (a.k.a. ReactJS or React.js) is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces, open sourced to the world by Facebook and Instagram team in 2013. One might think of it as the “View” in the “Model-View-Controller” pattern 

کتاب رایگان React.js
امکان بارگذاری کامپوننت ها در صورت نیاز در Blazor WebAssembly

امکانات جدید اضافه شده به Blazor در NET 5 Preview 8. شامل :

  • CSS isolation for Blazor components
  • Updated Blazor WebAssembly globalization support
  • New InputRadio Blazor component
  • Set UI focus in Blazor apps
  • IAsyncDisposable for Blazor components
  • Control Blazor component instantiation 
امکان بارگذاری کامپوننت ها در صورت نیاز در Blazor WebAssembly
نظرات نظرسنجی‌ها
با توجه به امکانات جدید Razor Components، آیا در آینده از SPA frameworks استفاده میکنید؟
والا من از دیروز به فکر اینم که برم سراغ Razor Components  یا نه. چون چندجا دیدم تعریف کردن (البته به شکل سطحی) ومزیت قدرتمند و خاصی ندیدم و دنبال اینم که یاد بگیرم ریز جزئیات و نحوه استفادشو بصورت کامل . ولی به قول دوستمون احساس میکنم تو پروژه‌های بزرگ نمیتونه به کارمون بیاد . حالا من اطلاعات کاملی در مورد  Razor Components  ندارم نمیتونم نظر بدم .فعلا همون SPA رو استفاده میکنم .