کنفرانس Build 2017 بررسی Angular و TypeScript
 In this session, learn why the Angular team uses Typescript to develop at scale inside Google, and how Typescript and Angular work together to provide a powerful platform for your developers and great experiences for your users.  
کنفرانس Build 2017  بررسی Angular و TypeScript
کتاب Bing Maps V8 Succinctly

At least 80% of all information being collected by enterprises includes geolocation data. The Bing Maps V8 library is a very large collection of JavaScript code that allows web developers to place a map on a webpage, query for data, and manipulate objects on a map, creating a geo-application. In Bing Maps V8 Succinctly, James McCaffrey takes readers through utilizing this library, from creating the simplest application that uses it, to mastering more advanced functions like creating color-gradient legends and custom-styled Infobox objects.

Table of Contents
  1. Getting Started
  2. Fundamental Techniques
  3. Working with Data
  4. Advanced Techniques 
کتاب Bing Maps V8 Succinctly
نکات جالبی درباره Breakpoints

Have you ever found a bug in your code and wanted to pause code execution to inspect the problem? If you are a developer, there’s a strong chance you have experienced or will experience this issue many, many times. While the short and sweet answer to this problem is to use a breakpoint, the longer answer is that Visual Studio actually provides multiple kinds of breakpoints and methods that let you pause your code depending on the context! Based on the different scenarios you may experience while debugging, here are some of the various ways to pause your code and set or manage a breakpoint in Visual Studio 2017 

نکات جالبی درباره Breakpoints
نظرات مطالب
واژه‌های کلیدی جدید and، or و not در C# 9.0
معادل‌های string.IsNullOrEmpty در C# 9.0 جهت اطلاع و آشنایی با Syntax جدید؛ اگر جائی آن‌ها را دیدید!
using System;

namespace CS9Features
    public static class ModernizingACodebase
        public static void PropertyPatternToReplaceIsNullorEmpty1()
            string hello = null;

            // Old approach
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hello))
                Console.WriteLine($"{hello} has {hello.Length} letters.");

            // New approach, with a property pattern
            if (hello is { Length: > 0 })
                Console.WriteLine($"{hello} has {hello.Length} letters.");

        public static void PropertyPatternToReplaceIsNullorEmpty2()
            // For arrays
            var greetings = new string[2];
            greetings[0] = "Hello world";
            greetings = null;

            // Old approach
            if (greetings != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(greetings[0]))
                Console.WriteLine($"{greetings[0]} has {greetings[0].Length} letters.");

            // New approach
            if (greetings?[0] is { Length: > 0 } hi)
                Console.WriteLine($"{hi} has {hi.Length} letters.");
برای مطالعه‌ی بیشتر
نوشتن اپ های Native برای موبایل

In the February 2016 issue of MSDN Magazine, I showed how to create a custom scripting language based on the Split-And-Merge algorithm for parsing mathematical expressions in C# (msdn.com/magazine/mt632273). I called my language Customizable Scripting in C#, or CSCS. Recently, I published an E-book that provided more details about creating a custom language (bit.ly/2yijCod). Creating your own scripting language might not initially seem to be particularly useful, even though there are some interesting applications of it (for example, game cheating). I also found some applications in Unity programming.

نوشتن اپ های Native برای موبایل
کتابخانه qart.js

Generate artistic QR code  Demo

$ npm install qartjs

With React

This is a simple implementation of QArt as React Component. react-qart

With Angular.JS

There is a directive available for using qart.js in Angular.js: angular-qart

With Vue 2.x

There is a directive available for using qart.js in Vue.js 2.x : vue-qart 

کتابخانه qart.js
برنامه Angular IDE

Angular IDE - Optimized for developers to make the most of Angular 

برنامه Angular IDE
Visual Studio 2022 17.2 منتشر شد

This release brings continued improvements to the C# and .NET experiences, new Git performance and experiences, updates for C++ developers, and new Azure tools for local development and deployment. We also continue to address your direct feedback submitted via Developer Community, addressing over 400 feedback items in this release! You can see the broader list of community feedback addressed in releases by visiting the fixes page on Developer Community. 

Visual Studio 2022 17.2 منتشر شد
فریمورک تهیه شده با Asp.net Mvc و Asp.net Web Api به صورت NTier با پشتیبانی از چند زبانگی

These are some key features of the framework itself:

Modular and NLayered architecture
Dependency Injection
Domain Driven Design
Unit of work implementation
Flexible Localization system
Automatic data filters
Audit logging
Setting management
Menu management
Exception handling
Event bus for domain events
Auto-creating Web API layer for Application Services
Auto-creating Javascript proxy layer to use Web API layer
Javascript helper methods for ajax, notifications, message boxes, making UI busy...
Easily working with embedded resources
Useful extension and helper methods   

فریمورک تهیه شده با Asp.net Mvc و Asp.net Web Api به صورت NTier با پشتیبانی از چند زبانگی
معرفی NET Community Toolkit.

CommunityToolkit/dotnet: .NET Community Toolkit is a collection of helpers and APIs that work for all .NET developers and are agnostic of any specific UI platform. The toolkit is part of the .NET Foundation. 

معرفی NET Community Toolkit.