کتاب LINQ مختصر و مفید

Learn to use LINQ to simplify the process of coding and querying in C# and Visual Basic. LINQ Succinctly will guide you through the process, from conceptual understanding to practical implementation. With the help of author Jason Roberts, you will be streamlining your coding and querying practices in no time.

کتاب LINQ مختصر و مفید
معرفی Ember

Would you like help creating single-page applications (SPAs)? Maybe you've worked with tools like jQuery and AJAX, but what about Ember? With a simple syntax and an emphasis on reuse and components, this JavaScript framework can make it very easy to create interactive pages. Get a close look at Ember, plus lots of demos and practical tips with popular experts Adam Tuliper and Christopher Harrison, in this three-hour event for the MVA community 

معرفی Ember
ASP.NET Core 6 Preview 5 منتشر شد

Here’s what’s new in this preview release:

  • .NET Hot Reload updates for dotnet watch
  • ASP.NET Core SPA templates updated to Angular 11 and React 17
  • Use Razor syntax in SVG foreignObject elements
  • Specify null for Action and RenderFragment component parameters
  • Reduced Blazor WebAssembly download size with runtime relinking
  • Configurable buffer threshold before writing to disk in Json.NET output formatter
  • Subcategories for better filtering of Kestrel logs
  • Faster get and set for HTTP headers
  • Configurable unconsumed incoming buffer size for IIS 
ASP.NET Core 6 Preview 5 منتشر شد
دوره بررسی تازه‌های ASP.NET 5 از Tuts plus
ASP.NET is almost 15 years old and it has evolved to become a flexible and extremely powerful platform. But 15 years is a long time, especially in the world of web technology, and the folks at Microsoft knew it was time to change ASP.NET. In this course, Envato Tuts+ instructor Jeremy McPeak will walk you through the major changes to ASP.NET in version 5. Along the way, you'll see how these changes will affect your project and how the new features can make your life as a developer easier. You'll also get a first look at the new Tag Helpers, inversion of control and dependency injection features, with practical examples.
دوره بررسی تازه‌های ASP.NET 5 از Tuts plus
نظرات مطالب
سفارشی سازی ASP.NET Core Identity - قسمت پنجم - سیاست‌های دسترسی پویا
سلام؛ در متد CanUserAccess کلاس SecurityTrimmingService:
 public bool CanUserAccess(ClaimsPrincipal user, string area, string controller, string action)
            var currentClaimValue = $"{area}:{controller}:{action}";
            var securedControllerActions = _mvcActionsDiscoveryService.GetAllSecuredControllerActionsWithPolicy(ConstantPolicies.DynamicPermission);
            if (!securedControllerActions.SelectMany(x => x.MvcActions).Any(x => x.ActionId == currentClaimValue))
                throw new KeyNotFoundException($@"The `secured` area={area}/controller={controller}/action={action} with `ConstantPolicies.DynamicPermission` policy not found. Please check you have entered the area/controller/action names correctly and also it's decorated with the correct security policy.");

            if (!user.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                return false;

            if (user.IsInRole(ConstantRoles.Admin))
                // Admin users have access to all of the pages.
                return true;

            // Check for dynamic permissions
            // A user gets its permissions claims from the `ApplicationClaimsPrincipalFactory` class automatically and it includes the role claims too.
            return user.HasClaim(claim => claim.Type == ConstantPolicies.DynamicPermissionClaimType &&
                                          claim.Value == currentClaimValue);
ابتدا بررسی میشه که کاربر دارای دسترسی مورد نظر می‌باشد و سپس چک میشه که کاربر احراز هویت شده و دارای دسترسی admin می‌باشد.
آیا کاربری که دارای دسترسی Admin می‌باشد نیازی به چک کردن  HasClaim دارد؟
مثلا اگر این متد به این صورت نوشته شود مشکلی پیش میاد؟
public bool CanUserAccess(ClaimsPrincipal user, string area, string controller, string action)
            if (!user.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                return false;

            if (user.IsInRole(ConstantRoles.Admin))
                // Admin users have access to all of the pages.
                return true;

            var currentClaimValue = $"{area}:{controller}:{action}";
            var securedControllerActions = _mvcActionsDiscoveryService.GetAllSecuredControllerActionsWithPolicy(ConstantPolicies.DynamicPermission);
            if (!securedControllerActions.SelectMany(x => x.MvcActions).Any(x => x.ActionId == currentClaimValue))
                throw new KeyNotFoundException($@"The `secured` area={area}/controller={controller}/action={action} with `ConstantPolicies.DynamicPermission` policy not found. Please check you have entered the area/controller/action names correctly and also it's decorated with the correct security policy.");

            // Check for dynamic permissions
            // A user gets its permissions claims from the `ApplicationClaimsPrincipalFactory` class automatically and it includes the role claims too.
            return user.HasClaim(claim => claim.Type == ConstantPolicies.DynamicPermissionClaimType &&
                                          claim.Value == currentClaimValue);
مروری بر ویژگی Auto Properry در سی شارپ 6

With the release of Visual Studio 2015 came the (final) release of the Roslyn C# compiler and C# 6. This latest version of C#’s feature list seems to be…less than exciting, but it’s important to keep in mind that before Roslyn, none of these new features would have ever made it into a release. It was simply too hard to add a feature in C#, so higher impact/value features made it in while minor annoyances/enhancements would be deferred, indefinitely 

مروری بر ویژگی Auto Properry در سی شارپ 6
چگونه قبل از build کل پروژه، تنها بخشی از کد C# را اجرا کنیم!

can’t be the only person who hates waiting for the code to compile and run… Especially when I want to test only a small part of it! That’s a total waste of time! But good news everyone, I found a way to run a part of my C# code without building the whole project! 

Ctrl + E, E – the magical shortcut! 

چگونه قبل از build کل پروژه، تنها بخشی از کد C# را اجرا کنیم!