آموزش T4

T4 is a code generator built right into Visual Studio.  

آموزش T4
کتاب Visual Studio 2015 Succinctly

In Visual Studio 2015 Succinctly, author Alessandro Del Sole explains how to take advantage of the highly anticipated features in Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Topics include sharing code between different types of projects, new options for debugging and diagnostics, and improving productivity with other services in the Visual Studio ecosystem, such as NuGet and Azure.

کتاب Visual Studio 2015 Succinctly
چه نگارش‌هایی از NET Core. دیگر با VS 2017 سازگار نیستند؟
.NET Core SDK .NET Core Runtime Compatible Visual Studio MSBuild Notes
2.1.5nn 2.1 2017 15 Installed as part of VS 2017 version 15.9
2.1.6nn 2.1 2019 16 Installed as part of VS 2019
2.2.1nn 2.2 2017 15 Installed manually
2.2.2nn 2.2 2019 16 Installed as part of VS 2019
3.0.1nn 3.0 (Preview) 2019 16 Installed manually


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چه نگارش‌هایی از NET Core. دیگر با VS 2017 سازگار نیستند؟