Visual Studio 2017 15.7 منتشر شد
Visual Studio 2017 15.7 منتشر شد
فیلتر ها در Asp.net core

Filters in ASP.NET MVC allow you to run code before or after a particular stage in the execution pipeline. Filters can be configured globally, per-controller, or per-action. 

فیلتر ها در Asp.net core
کتابخانه angular-scroll-animate

An Angular.js directive which allows you to perform any javascript actions (in the controller, or on the element) when an element is scrolled into or out of, the users viewport, without requiring any other dependencies.  Demo

کتابخانه angular-scroll-animate
نظرات مطالب
ارتقاء به ASP.NET Core 1.0 - قسمت 2 - بررسی ساختار جدید Solution
سلام من vs2017 رو نصب کردم وقتی پروژه جدید dot net core ایجاد می‌کنم هیچ کدوم از reference ها رو نمیشناسه

Error CS0246 The type or namespace name 'Microsoft' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
 واسه همه این خطا رو میده
نظرات مطالب
ویرایش قالب پیش فرض Add View در ASP.NET MVC برای سازگار سازی آن با Twitter bootstrap
Compiling transformation: The type or namespace name 'MvcTextTemplateHost' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
دوستان اگه این ارور رو گرفتید با ریستارت کردن ویژوال استادیو ارور رفع میشه
کتابخانه instafetch
instafetch fetches media from Instagram based on (and only on) the user and/or tag, relying on the Instagram API.

If you use the Instagram API to make a call, you will only get 33 results back, no matter what you specify in the count paramter. Instafetch will help you fetch more media than the limit imposes, in exchange for more API calls, which can count against your hourly limit.  Demo
کتابخانه instafetch
معماری Vertical Slice بهتر است از کار با لایه‌ها!

Vertical Slice Architecture, not Layers! 

Why Vertical Slice Architecture? Nobody wants to deal with a system that is hard to change and easy to introduce bugs because it's a spaghetti code mess of various technical concerns. Clean Architecture is popular because it separates concerns into many different layers. But why are we organizing code by layers? Does adding a new feature require you to modify files across multiple projects in your UI, business, and data access layers? Vertical Slice Architecture is about how you organize code and focus on features instead of technical layers will make your system easier to change. 

معماری Vertical Slice بهتر است از کار با لایه‌ها!
نتایج نظرسنجی State of JS 2020

23,765 people from 137 countries took part in the recent State of JS survey and while there are some common criticisms of the project, the results are nonetheless interesting and we’ll be digging into some in forthcoming issues. Standouts include:

- Svelte took the top frontend framework crown from React for developer satisfaction.
- Testing Library jumped straight to #1 for testing libraries.
- More developers than ever are producing PWAs or using WebAssembly.
- 86% of respondents are using VS Code to work on their code.

نتایج نظرسنجی State of JS 2020
Entity framework code-first
شروع به کار با EF Code first

برای تکمیل بحث نیاز است تغییرات انجام شده از نگارش 4 به 6 را نیز مد نظر داشته باشید:

آشنایی با مباحث Migrations

آشنایی با تنظیمات نگاشت‌ها به دو روش استفاده از ویژگی‌ها و Fluent API

اعتبارسنجی و بررسی استثناءها

ردیابی تغییرات

استفاده از SQL خام و بانک‌های اطلاعاتی متفاوت

      نکات مهم کوئری نویسی در EF

      استفاده از EF در WPF

      لایه بندی پروژه‌های EF Code first

      پروژ‌ه‌های انجام شده با EF Code first

      چرا باید Vim را در سال 2020 یاد بگیرید؟

      Ah, yes, Vim, the powerful text-editor that is everywhere and a place where even the wisest can’t quit. You had to hear about it at least once. Or you might have considered learning or trying it. But why do it now?

      It’s 2020, doesn’t everyone use VSCode already? Let’s dive in and figure why someone would still learn Vim.

      چرا باید Vim را در سال 2020 یاد بگیرید؟