استفاده از GenFu برای تولید اطلاعات اتفاقی با مفهوم

GenFu is a test and prototype data generation library for .NET apps. It understands different topics – such as “contact details” or “blog posts” and uses that understanding to populate commonly named properties using reflection and an internal database of values or randomly created data.  

استفاده از GenFu برای تولید اطلاعات اتفاقی با مفهوم
پیاده سازی ارتباطات همیشه رمزنگاری شده در SQL Server 2016

Always Encrypted is a new feature in SQL Server 2016, which encrypts the data both at rest *and* in motion (and keeps it encrypted in memory). So this protects the data from rogue administrators, backup thieves, and man-in-the-middle attacks. Unlike TDE, as well, Always Encrypted allows you to encrypt only certain columns, rather than the entire database.

پیاده سازی ارتباطات همیشه رمزنگاری شده در SQL Server 2016
Flux چیست ؟

Flux is an architecture for creating data layers in JavaScript applications. It was designed at Facebook along with the React view library. It places a focus on creating explicit and understandable update paths for your application's data, which makes tracing changes during development simpler and makes bugs easier to track down and fix. 

Flux چیست ؟
آشنایی با TPL Dataflow در سی شارپ

What is TPL Dataflow?

TPL Dataflow (Task Parallel Library Dataflow) is a .NET Framework library designed for building robust and scalable concurrent data processing pipelines. It offers a declarative model in which you define a network of interconnected "blocks" that process and transport data, enabling efficient and flexible parallelism.

آشنایی با TPL Dataflow در سی شارپ
پشتیبانی از NET Core 1x. این ماه به پایان می‌رسد

Version Original Release Date Latest Patch Version Patch Release Date Support Level End of Support
.NET Core 3.1 Scheduled for November 2019

Will be LTS when released
.NET Core 3.0 Scheduled for September 23, 2019

Will be Current when released
.NET Core 2.2 December 4, 2018 2.2.5 May 14, 2019 Current December 23, 2019
.NET Core 2.1 May 30, 2018 2.1.11 May 14, 2019 LTS At least three years from LTS declaration (August 21, 2018)
.NET Core 2.0 August 14, 2017 2.0.9 July 10, 2018 EOL October 1, 2018
.NET Core 1.1 November 16, 2016 1.1.13 May 14, 2019 Maintenance June 27 2019
.NET Core 1.0 June 27, 2016 1.0.16 May 14, 2019 Maintenance June 27 2019
پشتیبانی از NET Core 1x. این ماه به پایان می‌رسد
کتابخانه At.js
Add Github like mentions autocomplete to your application.  Demo
  • Support IE 7+ for textarea.
  • Supports HTML5 contentEditable elements (NOT including IE 8)
  • Can listen to any character and not just '@'. Can set up multiple listeners for different characters with different behavior and data
  • Listener events can be bound to multiple inputors.
  • Format returned data using templates
  • Keyboard controls in addition to mouse
    • Tab or Enter keys select the value
    • Up and Down navigate between values (and Ctrl-P and Ctrl-N also)
    • Right and left will re-search the keyword.
  • Custom data handlers and template renderers using a group of configurable callbacks
  • Supports AMD
کتابخانه At.js
دوره مقدماتی NET 7.

.NET 7 Beginner Course 🚀 Web API, Entity Framework 7 & SQL Server

Table of Contents:
00:00:00 .NET 7 Beginner Course 🚀 Web API, Entity Framework 7 & SQL Server
00:01:18 Tools (Visual Studio Code & .NET SDK)
00:02:48 Create a new Web API
00:11:34 First API Call
00:15:23 Git Repository & .gitignore File
00:19:07 Web API Introduction
00:19:42 The Model-View-Controller (MVC) Pattern
00:22:03 New Models
00:26:17 New Controller & GET a New Character
00:36:35 First Steps with Attribute Routing
00:40:52 Routing with Parameters
00:43:34 HTTP Request Methods Explained
00:46:48 Add a New Character with POST
00:50:23 Best Practice: Web API Structure
00:53:42 Character Service
01:02:38 Fix the “Possible ArgumentNullException”
01:04:43 Asynchronous Calls
01:08:53 Proper Service Response with Generics
01:17:06 Data-Transfer-Objects (DTOs)
01:22:58 AutoMapper
01:35:30 Modify a Character with PUT
01:47:40 Modify a Character with AutoMapper
01:49:12 Delete a Character
01:54:15 Web API Summary
01:55:01 Entity Framework 7 Introduction
01:55:50 Object-Relational-Mapping & Code-First Migration Explained
01:57:42 Installing Entity Framework 7
02:00:48 Installing SQL Server Express (with Management Studio)
02:02:04 Implementing the DataContext
02:05:37 ConnectionString & Adding the DbContext
02:10:29 First Migration
02:14:49 GET Implementations 

دوره مقدماتی NET 7.