پروژه gRPC ؛ نسل بعدی RESTful !

gRPC is a modern, open source, high-performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework that can run anywhere. gRPC enables client and server applications to communicate transparently, and simplifies the building of connected systems.

مقاله فارسی : پروژه gRPC ؛ نسل بعدی RESTful !

مخزن گیتهاب : https://github.com/grpc/grpc  

مثال سی شارپی : https://github.com/grpc/grpc/tree/master/examples/csharp/Helloworld

پروژه gRPC ؛ نسل بعدی RESTful !
لیست تازه‌های SQL Server 2019

SQL Server 2019 preview builds on previous releases to grow SQL Server as a platform that gives you choices of development languages, data types, on-premises or cloud, and operating systems. This article summarizes what is new for SQL Server 2019. 

لیست تازه‌های SQL Server 2019
3.Visual Studio 2017 15.8 منتشر شد

These are the customer-reported issues addressed in 15.8.3:

3.Visual Studio 2017 15.8 منتشر شد
ساخت رابط کاربری چندسکویی مبتنی بر Console برای برنامه‌های دات نت

The toolkit contains various controls (labesl, text entry, buttons, radio buttons, checkboxes, dialog boxes, windows, menus) for building text user interfaces, a main loop, is designed to work on Curses and the Windows Console, works well on both color and monochrome terminals and has mouse support on terminal emulators that support it.  

ساخت رابط کاربری چندسکویی مبتنی بر Console برای برنامه‌های دات نت
Profiller رایگان برای ASP.NET

Prefix is a free profiler for ASP.NET applications. It's dead easy to use and it will help you find bugs in your code that you didn't even know you had. I found two in what I thought were properly working apps within an hour of downloading Prefix. 

Profiller رایگان برای ASP.NET
تغییرات پردازش مسیرهای طولانی در NET 4.6.2.

In 4.6.2 we will no longer throw PathTooLongException if we see a path that is >= MAX_PATH. If the OS doesn’t like it we’ll surface PathTooLong, but we won’t second guess what the OS will do. This enables you to use extended long paths and, if the OS would let you, regular long paths. 

تغییرات پردازش مسیرهای طولانی در NET 4.6.2.
اضافه کردن HTTPS به وب سایت

For a good and secure web – and also for faster performance, new APIs on the web such as Service Workers, better search ranking and more – using HTTPS for your web site is key. I’ll walk you through how to easily get started with that here. 

اضافه کردن HTTPS  به وب سایت
استفاده از GenFu برای تولید اطلاعات اتفاقی با مفهوم

GenFu is a test and prototype data generation library for .NET apps. It understands different topics – such as “contact details” or “blog posts” and uses that understanding to populate commonly named properties using reflection and an internal database of values or randomly created data.  

استفاده از GenFu برای تولید اطلاعات اتفاقی با مفهوم
انتشار Windows 10 SDK

Well perhaps the first thing to say is that Windows Desktop apps will still work on Windows 10 without any changes. You can even make use of the new Window 10 APIs in a Win32 application and there are improvements in .NET 4.6. Even WPF receives some attention

انتشار Windows 10 SDK