Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Release Candidate منتشر شد

نسخه نهایی Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 تا اواسط ماه May 2020 (ماه جاری) منتشر میشود

The Blazor WebAssembly Release Candidate is here! This release contains all of the features and improvements that we expect to release for the upcoming Blazor WebAssembly release. There are no more breaking changes planned at this point.

What’s behind the hype about Blazor?  

Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Release Candidate منتشر شد
NET Core 3 Preview 3. منتشر شد

Today, we are announcing .NET Core 3.0 Preview 3. We would like to update you on the .NET Core 3.0 schedule and introduce you to improvements in .NET Core SDK installers, Docker containers, Range, and Index. We also have updates on the Windows Desktop and Entity Framework projects. 

NET Core 3 Preview 3. منتشر شد
Rider 2018.1 منتشر شد

Rider 2018.1 adds support for Roslyn analyzers and Entity Framework, introduces XAML preview, takes Unity integration to a whole new level, improves debugger with Memory view and other updates, evolves F# and NuGet support. 

Rider 2018.1 منتشر شد
DocumentDB پایگاه داده NoSQL مایکروسافت
 Azure DocumentDB is a NoSQL document database service designed from the ground up to natively support JSON and JavaScript directly inside the database engine. It’s the right solution for applications that run in the cloud when predictable throughput, low latency, and flexible query are key. Microsoft consumer applications like MSN use DocumentDB in production to support millions of users.
DocumentDB پایگاه داده NoSQL مایکروسافت
نگاهی به اجرای SQL Server بر روی Linux
No spoilers here in the description! You will want to watch this video to get an sneak peak at SQL Server running on Linux, see a VERY cool demo, and get some insight into the cool stuff Tobias and Slava are working on! 
نگاهی به اجرای SQL Server بر روی Linux
انتشار نسخه 5.0.0 Swashbuckle.AspNetCore

This release contains a number of significant changes, including a transition to Swagger/OpenAPI v3 and support for ASP.NET Core 3.0, and will require modifications to your application setup if you're upgrading from previous major versions. 

انتشار نسخه 5.0.0 Swashbuckle.AspNetCore
نگاهی به تغییرات اخیر ASP.NET
Enums Support in ASP.NET MVC
Global Error Handling in ASP.NET Web API
Attribute Based Routing improvements
BSON Media-Type Formatter
ASP.NET Roadmap on Codeplex
ASP.NET Framework on Codeplex
BSON Spec 
نگاهی به تغییرات اخیر ASP.NET