#C به عنوان یک زبان سیستمی

When you think about C#, you'll usually think about a high-level language, one that is utilized to build websites, APIs, and desktop applications. However, from its inception, C# had the foundation to be used as a system language, with facilities that allow you direct memory access and fine-grained control over memory and execution.

#C به عنوان یک زبان سیستمی
معرفی Ignite.NET
Apache Ignite.NETtm In-Memory Data Fabric is a high-performance, integrated and distributed in-memory platform for computing and transacting on large-scale data sets in real-time, orders of magnitude faster than possible with traditional disk-based or flash-based technologies
معرفی Ignite.NET
NetVips 1.0 کتابخانه‌ای برای کار با تصاویر مخصوص Mono/.NET

NetVips is a wrapper for the libvips image processing library. It's a bit like Magick.NET, but typically 8x faster. It's API-stable, supports around 300 image-processing operations, and a good range of image formats is supported.

NuGet package: https://www.nuget.org/packages/NetVips

There's a benchmark here: https://github.com/kleisauke/net-vips/tree/master/tests/NetVips.Benchmarks

Formatted docs, including a tutorial and full API: https://kleisauke.github.io/net-vips/

Blog post: https://jcupitt.github.io/libvips/2018/04/10/libvips-for-dot-net.html

NetVips 1.0 کتابخانه‌ای برای کار با تصاویر مخصوص Mono/.NET
بهبودهای کارآیی در ASP.NET Core 7

Performance is a feature of .NET. In every release the .NET team and community contributors spend time making performance improvements, so .NET apps are faster and use less resources. 

بهبودهای کارآیی در ASP.NET Core 7
Bootstrap 5.1.1 منتشر شد

Bootstrap v5.1.1 has landed with a handful of bug fixes and documentation improvements. Following this release, we’ll be shipping another bugfix and docs update before moving onto additional new features. Keep reading for the highlights. 

Bootstrap 5.1.1 منتشر شد
ReSharper 2021.2 منتشر شد

ReSharper 2021.2: Updates to C# Code Analysis, Nullable Reference Types, and Source Generators and Introducing HttpClient URI Support! | The .NET Tools Blog 

ReSharper 2021.2 منتشر شد
معرفی Open Web Docs

A collective project between Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Coil, W3C, Samsung, and Igalia to support the creation and maintenance of strategic web platform documentation. 

معرفی Open Web Docs
انتشار Visual Studio 2015 Preview

Visual Studio 2015 Preview contains many new and exciting features to support cross-platform mobile development, web & cloud development, IDE productivity enhancements, and more. 

فایل ISO 

انتشار Visual Studio 2015 Preview
SignalR 2.1.0 منتشر شد

رفع یک سری باگ و افزودن یک سری ویژگی از جمله:

Support longPolling transport raise reconnect in JS client and .Net client when network disconnect

Support reporting progress from hub method invocations

Add ability to provide an interface for client methods via Hub

و ...

SignalR 2.1.0 منتشر شد
خاصیت background-clip و نحوه استفاده از آن

background-clip is one of those properties I've known about for years, but rarely used. Maybe just a couple of times as part of a solution to a Stack Overflow question. Until last year, when I started creating my huge collection of sliders. Some of the designs I chose to reproduce were a bit more complex and I only had one element available per slider, which happened to be an input element, meaning that I couldn't even use pseudo-elements on it. Even though that does work in certain browsers, the fact that it works is actually a bug and I didn't want to rely on that. All this meant I ended up using backgrounds, borders, and shadows a lot. I also learned a lot from doing that and this article shares some of those lessons.  

خاصیت background-clip و نحوه استفاده از آن