دوره مقدماتی NET 7.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zJn3a7L1uE icon

.NET 7 Beginner Course 🚀 Web API, Entity Framework 7 & SQL Server

Table of Contents:
00:00:00 .NET 7 Beginner Course 🚀 Web API, Entity Framework 7 & SQL Server
00:01:18 Tools (Visual Studio Code & .NET SDK)
00:02:48 Create a new Web API
00:11:34 First API Call
00:15:23 Git Repository & .gitignore File
00:19:07 Web API Introduction
00:19:42 The Model-View-Controller (MVC) Pattern
00:22:03 New Models
00:26:17 New Controller & GET a New Character
00:36:35 First Steps with Attribute Routing
00:40:52 Routing with Parameters
00:43:34 HTTP Request Methods Explained
00:46:48 Add a New Character with POST
00:50:23 Best Practice: Web API Structure
00:53:42 Character Service
01:02:38 Fix the “Possible ArgumentNullException”
01:04:43 Asynchronous Calls
01:08:53 Proper Service Response with Generics
01:17:06 Data-Transfer-Objects (DTOs)
01:22:58 AutoMapper
01:35:30 Modify a Character with PUT
01:47:40 Modify a Character with AutoMapper
01:49:12 Delete a Character
01:54:15 Web API Summary
01:55:01 Entity Framework 7 Introduction
01:55:50 Object-Relational-Mapping & Code-First Migration Explained
01:57:42 Installing Entity Framework 7
02:00:48 Installing SQL Server Express (with Management Studio)
02:02:04 Implementing the DataContext
02:05:37 ConnectionString & Adding the DbContext
02:10:29 First Migration
02:14:49 GET Implementations 

دوره مقدماتی NET 7.
دوره پیاده سازی minimal API با دات نت 7
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRrsFE6OXAQ icon

.NET 7 minimal API from scratch | FULL COURSE | clean architecture, repository pattern, CQRS MediatR

In this course I want to provide you a project structure and code organization to get you started with real .NET 7 minimal API projects. It's a full course on this topic where I start from creating and explaining the project structure, setting up different layers using EF Core, repository pattern, CQRS and MediatR. The biggest part of the video is however around the .NET 7 minimal API, taking you from the initial setup, explaining route handlers, implementing all CRUD operations and so on. Last but not least, this course walks you through the process of refactoring the .NET 7 minimal API so that it becomes readable, maintainable and scalable. At the end, you'll have a full project structure organized according to modern architectural patterns that you can take as a template for your own projects.

1. Intro: 00:00
2. Structuring the solution: 01:00
3. Coding the domain layer: 05:25
4. Coding the data access layer: 08:22
5. Creating repositories: 11:17
6. Adding migrations and database update: 22:30
7. CQRS with MediatR: 29:07
8. Route and rout handlers: 52:06
9. Dependency injection: 55:52
10. Implementing GET by ID : 57:40
11. Implementing POST route: 01:00:26
12. Implementing GET all route: 01:03:41
13. Implement PUT and DELETE: 01:04:57
14. Testing with Postman: 01:09:01
15. Is there a problem? 01:12:41
16. Refactoring service registrations: 01:15:49
17. Refactoring route registrations: 01:20:01
18. Automatic registration of endpoints: 01:26:28
19. Introducing route groups:  01:31:43
20. Extract lambdas into instance methods: 01:34:31
21: Model validation with endpoint filters: 01:45:58
22. Global exception handling: 01:55:10
23. Conclusions: 01:59:49 

دوره پیاده سازی minimal API با دات نت 7
افزایش کارایی سرویسها با gRPC در NET 7.0.
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https://medium.com/geekculture/build-high-performance-services-using-grpc-and-net7-7c0c434abbb0 icon

With an 800% performance improvement, .NET7 will change the game.
 NET 7 gRPC performance now exceeds popular frameworks like Rust, Go and C++.
 .NET 7 reduces uploading a 100MB file from 26.9 seconds to 4.3 seconds in comparison with .NET 6.
 JSONTranscoding turns gRPC into REST APIs
 Use Server Streaming/Multiplexing to deliver 5M records in less than a minute. 

افزایش کارایی سرویسها با gRPC در NET 7.0.