پیاده سازی سرویس‌های gRPC در دات نت 7
200, OK
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rqz9XiSqH3E icon

gRPC Service with .NET 7
In this video we build a gRPC service with 5 methods: Create, Read (single), List (multiple), Update and Delete. We then employ JSON transcoding (a new feature added in .NET 7) to allow our gRPC service to act as a REST based API. This allows web-based endpoints to consume our service, while at the same time continuing to allow native gRPC clients to consume as well.

⏲️ Time Codes ⏲️

- 0:33 - Welcome
- 2:00 - gRPC Overview
- 5:08 - Scaffold the prject
- 9:58 - Test "greeter" service with Postman
- 12:32 - Add package dependencies
- 14:48 - Create the Model
- 16:38 - Create DB Context & migrations
- 22:37 - Define the protobuf file
- 32:39 - Build the first service method
- 40:55 - Test method with postman
- 42:52 - Read method
- 48:42 - List method
- 52:39 - Update method
- 59:14 - Delete method
- 1:03:24 - Add the annotation files
- 1:06:07 - Annotate the first gRPC method
- 1:09:26 - Annotate remaining methods
- 1:12:42 - Test with Postman
- 1:16;00 - Patreon supporter credits 

پیاده سازی سرویس‌های gRPC در دات نت 7
بنچمارک gRPC در زبان های مختلف
200, OK
https://github.com/LesnyRumcajs/grpc_bench/discussions/354 icon

One repo to finally have a clear, objective gRPC benchmark with code for everyone to verify and improve.

OS: Fedora release 38 (Thirty Eight) x86_64

Host: Z790 UD AX

Kernel: 6.3.6-200.fc38.x86_64

CPU: 13th Gen Intel i9-13900KF (32) @ 5.500GHz

GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090

Memory: 64119MiB 

 | java_vertx_grpc             |  201739 |        4.93 ms |        5.57 ms |        6.60 ms |       10.70 ms |   96.63% |     109.0 MiB |
| dotnet_grpc                 |  189382 |        4.97 ms |        5.74 ms |        6.58 ms |       50.39 ms |   99.59% |    239.78 MiB |
| rust_thruster_st            |  189079 |        5.26 ms |        5.70 ms |        5.97 ms |        6.76 ms |   94.39% |     17.51 MiB |
| rust_thruster_mt            |  186403 |        5.34 ms |        2.33 ms |        2.75 ms |      137.25 ms |   93.78% |     19.33 MiB |
| rust_tonic_st               |  181329 |        5.49 ms |        5.96 ms |        6.21 ms |        6.59 ms |   94.35% |     18.31 MiB |
| rust_grpcio                 |  177021 |        5.63 ms |        6.27 ms |        6.48 ms |        7.01 ms |   77.65% |    229.43 MiB |
| cpp_grpc_mt                 |  175054 |        5.69 ms |        6.59 ms |        6.88 ms |        7.52 ms |   76.31% |     20.13 MiB |
| cpp_grpc_st                 |  174633 |        5.70 ms |        6.45 ms |        6.69 ms |        7.30 ms |   76.07% |      9.99 MiB |
| cpp_asio_grpc               |  170664 |        5.84 ms |        6.65 ms |        6.94 ms |        7.55 ms |   77.04% |     20.75 MiB |
| rust_tonic_mt               |  161976 |        6.15 ms |        2.65 ms |        2.92 ms |      175.00 ms |   88.21% |     21.83 MiB |   
بنچمارک gRPC در زبان های مختلف
پیاده سازی معماری میکروسرویس در دات نت
200, OK
https://medium.com/@rezamansouri/implementing-microservice-architecture-in-net-part-1-project-overview-2d94b79607e3 icon

پیاده سازی معماری میکروسرویس در دات نت با استفاده از ابزار های

Ocelot For Api Getway

RabbitMQ For Message Broker

JWT Token For Authentication And Authorization

SQL Server And MongoDB For Databases

ASP Core Web Api For Our Rest Api And Swagger As Open API

Google RPC (GRPC) For Transfer Data Between Microservice

Docker For Run Database Services ( SQL Server , MongoDB ) And Message Broker ( RabbitMQ ) 

پیاده سازی معماری میکروسرویس در دات نت
افزایش کارایی سرویسها با gRPC در NET 7.0.
200, OK
https://medium.com/geekculture/build-high-performance-services-using-grpc-and-net7-7c0c434abbb0 icon

With an 800% performance improvement, .NET7 will change the game.
 NET 7 gRPC performance now exceeds popular frameworks like Rust, Go and C++.
 .NET 7 reduces uploading a 100MB file from 26.9 seconds to 4.3 seconds in comparison with .NET 6.
 JSONTranscoding turns gRPC into REST APIs
 Use Server Streaming/Multiplexing to deliver 5M records in less than a minute. 

افزایش کارایی سرویسها با gRPC در NET 7.0.
دوره‌ی کامل میکروسرویس‌ها در دات نت
200, OK
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgVjEo3OGBI icon

.NET Microservices – Full Course, Les Jackson
In this step-by-step tutorial I take you through an introduction on building microservices using .NET. As the name suggests we build everything completely from start to finish –with the full scope of the course outlined in the time-stamp section below. However, at a high-level we’ll cover:

• Building two .NET Microservices using the REST API pattern
• Working with dedicated persistence layers for both services
• Deploying our services to Kubernetes cluster
• Employing the API Gateway pattern to route to our services
• Building Synchronous messaging between services (HTTP & gRPC)
• Building Asynchronous messaging between services using an Event Bus (RabbitMQ)


دوره‌ی کامل میکروسرویس‌ها در دات نت